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All 專上學院 in ‘Affordable’

  • Bath College

    公立院校: Yes
    Foundation 大學預備班: Yes
    貨幣: GBP
    學費: 6,990 - 12,000

    Bath College is a people oriented organisation fundamentally concerned with skills, education and training. We see our role as working with people and organisations to improve outcomes for individuals, businesses, communities and economies. As such we have defined our core purpose and mission as:   TALENT DEVELOPMENT CAREER DEVELOPMENT SELF-DEVELOPMENTOur Read more [...]

  • Brockenhurst College

    公立院校: Yes
    Foundation 大學預備班: Yes
    貨幣: GBP
    學費: 7,700

    Brockenhurst College 超過一百年歷史,擁有良好的教學聲譽,多年來幫助不少學生成功踏出人生路。過去一百年,教育經過不斷的改變,Brockenhurst College亦要與時並進,雖然學校的目標不變- 通過學習去改善生活。Brockenhurst College希望學生能夠做到最好,所以提供了有愛心及耐性的教職員去協助,校內設備及環境都是最適合學習及努力去鼓勵學生達成他們自己的目標。Brockenhurst College的A-Level 成績優異,合格率超過99%,在2015年,超過一半學生取得A*-B的成績。 Brockenhurst 現有超過8,000名成年學生,提供廣泛課程,包括:英語課程、A-Level 等升學課程、學徒課程和為個別行業訂造的課程等等。 學校有一個特別的烹調課程,此外,亦有很多跟消閒相關的課程,希望學生在學習時,不會忘記學習是為了改善生活這目標。 Brockenhurst College has provided quality education for one hundred years and we are immensely proud of our academic reputation and the success of our students throughout the years. Our anniversary celebration in September 2013 launched a series of Read more [...]


    Chichester College

    公立院校: Yes
    貨幣: GBP
    學費: 7,800 - 9,300

    Chichester College成立於1964年,主要為英國政府培養本地各類才能學生,使他們能夠找到良好工作或升讀大學。Chichester College 已有超過30年教導國際學生的經驗,學校亦有國際學生部,專門照顧國際學生,有良好的國際學生配套,包括:留學生宿舍、提供海外食物的食堂、懂得教導留學生的導師、專業的英語培訓部及多年成功助國際學生進入知名英國大學的經驗。 Chichester College 有兩個校園:Chichester 及 Brinsbury,校園設施龐大,完善的運動及體育設施、不同類型的餐廳食堂及讓學生學習的圖書館等等。國際學生可以使用良好的設備來幫助學習,有良好的地方跟其他同學交流。Chichester College 提供了學生所需要的大部份資源,而且距離倫敦只有1.5小時車程,對國際學生往返機場或消閒設施亦很便利。學校亦舉行很多活動,讓國際學生能融入英國文化及跟本地居民做朋友。 Chichester College is a great place to learn. We currently have 15,000 full and part-time students enrolled here. You can see what attracted them to Chichester College by coming to our next Open Evening at Chichester Campus or Brinsbury Read more [...]

  • Gloucestershire College

    公立院校: Yes
    Foundation 大學預備班: Yes
    貨幣: GBP
    學費: 6,200 - 8,000

    Gloucestershire College是英格蘭中部一所優良的公立專上學院,校園面積廣闊,配備了英國最佳的教育設施,並被英國教育標准辦公室(Ofsted)評為“Outstanding”。學校的重點是讓學生做好充份準備,迎接未來成功。許多國際學生畢業後,紛紛前往英國頂尖學府繼續深造,或繼續在GC攻讀高等教育課程。學校鼓勵學生做好未來規劃,並通過實踐和建議來幫助學生實現其抱負。 Gloucestershire College 擁有優秀的教學設施,學生的成功率很高,並為國際學生提供高程度的支持,相關部門定期進行審核。 GC在英格蘭中部的Cotswolds設有四個校區,這裡是英國一處風景優美而又安全的地區,是英格蘭公認的理想居住地之一。 學院距離倫敦大約兩小時車程,距離伯明翰、牛津、布裡斯托爾、卡迪夫等大城巿只約一小時車程,交通便利,四通八達,可通往英國許多著名景點。學校最近投資 1 億美元,為兩所新校區的每間教室配備了交互式白板,並在每個校區建立了圖書館。 Gloucestershire College is a leading Further Education college in the centre of England. Our large purpose-built campuses boast some of the best facilities in the UK, graded as “outstanding” by Ofsted. Our success rates are very high and many of our Read more [...]

  • Guildford College

    公立院校: Yes
    Foundation 大學預備班: Yes
    貨幣: GBP
    學費: 7000

    Guildford College is the largest further and higher education college in the area, with approximately 10,000 students and hundreds of courses available at all levels. Qualifications range from foundation to degree level, in a wide range of subjects. Just over a third of students study full-time courses, with the majority Read more [...]

  • International College Manitoba

    On-Campus: Yes
    聯繫大學: University of Manitoba
    Foundation 大學預備班: Yes
    International Year One / Diploma 大學一年級(國際): Yes
    貨幣: CAD
    學費: 14,152 - 14,593

    International College of Manitoba(ICM)是專門為了想進入University of Manitoba的國際學生而設。建於1877年,創校已 130 年,是加拿大西部最歷史悠久的大學。該校坐落在馬尼托巴大學在溫尼伯的Fort Garry校區,主校佔地274公頃,學生總數近3萬,提供80多個學位,University of Manitoba自建校來,在教學和研究方面取得了卓著的成就。 辦學特色學校的圖書館藏有200多萬份圖書和期刊雜誌、130多萬件微縮和視聽材料;此外學校還有其他設施如多媒體室、休閒設施、校內宿舍、衛生服務以及職業服務。教室裝備有音影設備,包括數據投影儀和DVD播放機。 該校教學特色:ICM的優勢。 ICM的最大優勢在於所提供的課程是為大學設計的課程,能切實有效幫助學生適應大學的學習生活。 坐落於大學校園,稱職的教員,課程的靈活性,提供學習支持,較小的班級,注重素質教育,入讀馬尼托巴大學,“學習簽證”幫助,都使它成為廣大留學生的不二選擇。

  • Itchen College

    公立院校: Yes
    貨幣: GBP
    學費: 8,000 - 9,000

    Itchen builds up its success year upon year. Below are some of the achievements we have made in the past year. Overall the college has achieved: 97% pass rate across all subjects 100% pass rate across 34 A Level subjects 11 AS and A2 subjects which are in the top Read more [...]

  • New College Nottingham

    公立院校: Yes
    Foundation 大學預備班: Yes
    貨幣: GBP
    學費: 7,950 - 8,950

    New College Nottingham (ncn) is one of the largest further education colleges in the UK, with a wide range of full and part-time study programmes. ncn is an integral part of the Nottingham community, with centres located throughout this great student city. The College has a huge economic impact on Read more [...]

  • Notre Dame Catholic Sixth Form College

    公立院校: Yes
    貨幣: GBP
    學費: 7,500

    Notre Dame Catholic Sixth Form College主要教授A-Level及Foundation Degree等課程,讓學生完成後可以升讀大學,所以學校的老師及設備是為了令學生升讀大學而設,成績亦良好。Notre Dame 是英國公立學院中最好的10%,每年都吸引很多國際學生,上年度的所有國際學生都可以順利升讀大學,而且教學模式亦國際化,使學生能夠學以致用。 Notre Dame 學校位於Leeds大城巿中,學生可以方便自由購物,生活及認識朋友,溶入英國文化,而且附近有University of Leeds 等知名大學,吸引學生能夠專心學習。Leeds 位於英國中部天氣四季分明,冬天會有少量落雪但房間一般會有暖氣,夏天不會太炎熱。城巿繁華先進,約有一百萬名居民,生活節奏比較接近香港,有商場及各國的餐廳。Notre Dame 亦有私人補習老師,跟進學生的學業及生活上各種需要,使學生能盡早適應英國生活及學習。 The A level pass rate for International Students this year was 100%. We are constantly in the top 10% of Sixth Form Colleges in the country. Ofsted – the government department responsible Read more [...]


    ONCampus Amsterdam

    On-Campus: Yes
    聯繫大學: University of Amsterdam
    Foundation 大學預備班: Yes
    貨幣: EUR
    學費: 16,500

    ONCAMPUS Amsterdam is based on the campus of the University of Amsterdam, one of the best universities in the world. It is the only on-campus preparation course in the Netherlands, offering you the opportunity to study Business and Economics, Econometrics and Operations Research and Actuarial Science and Politics, Psychology, Law and Economics Read more [...]


    Richard Huish College

    公立院校: Yes
    貨幣: GBP
    學費: 8000

    Richard Huish College 位於英國西南部Taunton的城巿,在這個小型城巿,學生可以找到購物的地方,許多種類的餐廳,同時在一個寧靜安全的環境下學習。Richard Huish College是其中一間頂尖的公立專上學院,多年來都穩站在公立學院的前列,成績驕人。而外,學校針對國際學生而設的國際學生部,是為了協助各地學生適應英國學習模式,生活習慣而設的,希望在短時間內,使學生明白英國教學模式,然後發揮他們的才能爭取好成績。 Richard Huish College 主要提供A-Level 課程給國際學生,所以他們能夠有一批專業的老師去教導,使到成績可以得到保証。此外,學校跟部份大學有很好的聯繫,不單給學生多點了解英國大學申請要求,亦有機會接觸英國大學生,讓學生可以從中得益。而住宿方面,學校會安排學生於第一年,入住英國寄宿家庭,之後一年讓學生自由選擇宿舍或是寄宿家庭。 Richard Huish College, based in Taunton, is a Beacon college designated “outstanding” by Ofsted. We are proud to be one of the best sixth form colleges in England, proven by our consistent rankings in the top ten for A Read more [...]

  • Sussex Coast College Hastings

    公立院校: Yes
    Foundation 大學預備班: Yes
    貨幣: GBP
    學費: 5,000 - 7,900

    Sussex Coast College Hastings formerly Hastings College of Arts and Technology (HCAT) or Hastings College, is a medium-sized Further Education college based in Hastings, East Sussex. It provides general further education for Hastings and the surrounding rural area in Rother District. The college’s main site is at Station Plaza, adjacent Read more [...]

  • Sussex Downs College

    公立院校: Yes
    Foundation 大學預備班: Yes
    貨幣: GBP
    學費: 8,250 - 9,000

    *根據Sussex Down College 代表最近資訊,Sussex Down College 暫時未能招收海外學生就讀超過6個月以上課程。* Sussex Downs College is located in East Sussex; providing high quality education and training for almost half of the county’s young people. With East Sussex County Council we are a co-sponsor of The Eastbourne Academy – an 11-16 academy which is rapidly raising Read more [...]


    The Bournemouth and Poole College

    公立院校: Yes
    Foundation 大學預備班: Yes
    貨幣: GBP
    學費: 10,000

    The Bournemouth & Poole College 是英國知名的公立專上學院。學院提供廣泛的課程,包括英語,英國高考 A Level,預科學位 Foundation Degree 和海外學士學位銜接課程 International Access to University 以及英國認可國際文憑 HND 及証書 HNC。 The Bournemouth & Poole College 約有12,000名學生,當中1%是國際學生,設有國際學生部 International Department,定期提供支援給國際學生,而且更提供免費英語幫助,協助國際學生適應英國和更快投入學習。 Bournemouth 氣候和暖,交通完善及方便,國際學生住在附近的寄宿家庭,享受著英國本土的生活文化及節奏,當地是英國旅遊聖地,夏天更是海上活動的季節,使學生整體生活質素大大提昇。 The Bournemouth & Poole College are home to around 12,000 students from across the region, the UK and the world. In 2014, 96% Read more [...]


    The College of Richard Collyer

    公立院校: Yes
    貨幣: GBP
    學費: 7500

    Collyer’s是一間成績優異的Sixth Form College, 主要教授16-19學生,幫助他們升讀大學。學校的老師及設施都非常完善,多年來協助了不同國家的學生升讀知名的英國大學。Collyer’s有良好的學習氣氛,全校只有1,600名學生,所以學生之間比較容易建立密切關係。因為學生來自不同背景及國家,可以參考不同的學習及思考模式,對將來大學跟其它同學研究會有幫助,而且同學間的互相支持,可以幫助學生找到及達到學生們的目標。 Collyer’s主要教授A-Level課程,同時亦有不同類型課程。而學校所在的城巿Horsham是一個安全而寧靜的地方,學生可以專心學習。Horsham 離倫敦只是1小時車程,周未學生可以到倫敦體驗英國的繁盛,而平日就可以享受安靜的讀書環境。學校會安排寄宿家庭給學生居住,主要是英國本地居民,是一個了解英國文化及學習英語的好機會。 The College of Richard Collyer is a Sixth Form College of 1600 full- time students aged between 16 and 19. Founded in 1532, under the terms of the will of a prominent member of the Mercers’ Company in the City of London, the college Read more [...]

  • Worthing College

    公立院校: Yes
    Foundation 大學預備班: Yes
    貨幣: GBP
    學費: 5,750 - 7,545

    The Mission of Worthing College is to provide: Opportunity, Achievement, Success and Progression Worthing College will be an outstanding and inclusive college renowned for excellence in teaching and learning. The College will: Raise aspirations to achieve outstanding results Provide an engaging and inspiring learning experience in new learning environments on Read more [...]

  • York College

    公立院校: Yes
    Foundation 大學預備班: Yes
    貨幣: GBP
    學費: 7,500 - 10,500

    York College 有最一流的教學設施,花費了約7億港元建造的大型教學建築羣。而且設計是針對16-19學生而設,使學生對掌握學習時更有把握。York College是區內最大型的公立專上學院,提供40種A-Level科目及80種就業類課程,有大量的實習及學徒機會。在學校,國際學生不單可在課堂上吸取知識,更可了解英國的工業及就業情況,亦可以接觸最新科技,令到學生明白學以致用的道理。部份大學及公司亦與York College合作推出課程,使學生更貼近社會。 York College 每年有800多人申請大學,所以他們有專責部門去協助學生處理大學申請上的問題,包括:選科、個人意向書、面試等等,使學生有更大機會進入心儀大學。另外,學校亦有 Extended Project Qualification 的課程,協助有意申請高排名大學的學生,填寫論文,使大學更大機會錄取York College的學生。 York College has a £60 million building with first-class resources designed with post-16 students in mind. This, combined with an Outstanding Ofsted grade (December 2013) and the highest standards for individual student achievement, provides an outstanding environment Read more [...]