廸昇集團 (廸昇海外升學中心及廸昇優越教育服務) (以下一同簡稱「廸昇」或「我們」) 可能會於你申請 ﹑詢問﹑遞交或修改以下服務的時候收集你的個人資料:
• 海外教育課程或
• 教育課程相關的產品及服務
1. 收集個人資料的目的
2. 承轉人的類別
我們可能會因應本文第一項所述的原因向位於本港或海外的第三者提供你的個人資料。第三者的範圍包括但不限於:(a) 海外學術機構; (b) 舉辦英語考試的機構; (c) 提供相關服務的第三者(包括但不限於律師﹑會計師以及其它向我們所經營的業務提供行政或其他服務的公司); (d) 監管機構﹑政府部門及機構; (e) 執法機關。
3. 未能提供個人資料的後果
4. 查閲及修改個人資料的權利
根據香港個人資料(私隱)條例 ,你有權要求查閲及修改我們所持有關於你的個人資料。如果你希望查閲或修改你的個人資料,請發送電郵至[email protected] 或以書面通知我們的經理,地址為廸昇海外升學中心 香港九龍尖沙咀金馬倫道23-25A 金馬倫廣場 9樓 F室。
5. 直接促銷
• 聯絡你提供有關海外教育及教育課程的資訊或建議;
• 以向你提供有關海外教育及教育課程的產品或服務;
如你在任何時間不欲收到我們的直接促銷宣傳資料, 你可以將取消訂閱的要求發送電郵至[email protected]
我們會定期檢視本聲明及保留更改此聲明之權利, 並不時於廸昇網站刋登其更新版本。
Personal Information Collection Statement
Rise Smart Holdings Limited (Rise Smart Overseas Education Centre & Rise Smart Premier Education Service) (referred to together as “the Company”, “our”, “we”, or “us”) may collect certain personal information from you when you apply to us, enquire, make or amend an application about:
• Overseas education; or
• Education Service products and services
This collection of information may include your name, contact information, date of birth, identity card number (and copy of identity card), passport number (and copy of passport), academic background, work history, health and medical information, and financial information (“Personal Information”).
1. Purpose of Collection
We may use your Personal Information so that we can provide our services, fulfill any online enquiry, respond to your questions, inform or query institutions with providing student information and manage our internal business operations. We do not sell, rent or trade your Personal Information to any third parties except as required by law or permitted under the Privacy Ordinance.
2. Classes of Transferees
We may disclose your Personal Information to third parties (within or outside Hong Kong) for the purposes outlined at Section 1 above, including without limitation the following third parties: (a) overseas institutions; (b) English language testing providers; (c) third party service providers (including without limitation lawyers, accountants, and other third party service providers who provide administrative or other services to us to operate our business); (d) regulators, government departments and agencies; (e) law enforcement agencies.
3. Consequences of failing to provide Personal Information
In the event that any such Personal Information is not provided, we may be unable to provide you with the services or carry out the activities in Section 1 above.
4. Access and Correction Rights
Under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Hong Kong), you have the right to request access and the correction of your personal data. If you wish to request access or make corrections to your Personal Information you should submit an email to [email protected] or mail to The Manager, Rise Smart Overseas Education Centre Room F, Floor 9, Cameron Plaza, 23-25A Cameron Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong (Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station Exit B2)
5. Direct Marketing
We intend to use your contact information:
• to contact you for overseas education and English language testing information/advice;
• for direct marketing of our overseas education and English language testing products/services, but we cannot do so without your consent.
If at any time you do not wish to receive direct marketing materials you may send your opt out request to [email protected]
Updates to this Policy We reserve the right to amend this Policy from time to time. Any revisions to the Policy will be posted on our website
Disclaimer: This Personal Information Collection Statement has been translated into Chinese. If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English version and the Chinese version, the English version shall prevail. If any part of the Chinese translation is unclear, reference should be made to the English version.