Brockenhurst College

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College Category: 公立學院College Tags: Affordable and Scholarship

  • Brockenhurst College 超過一百年歷史,擁有良好的教學聲譽,多年來幫助不少學生成功踏出人生路。過去一百年,教育經過不斷的改變,Brockenhurst College亦要與時並進,雖然學校的目標不變- 通過學習去改善生活。Brockenhurst College希望學生能夠做到最好,所以提供了有愛心及耐性的教職員去協助,校內設備及環境都是最適合學習及努力去鼓勵學生達成他們自己的目標。Brockenhurst College的A-Level 成績優異,合格率超過99%,在2015年,超過一半學生取得A*-B的成績。

    Brockenhurst 現有超過8,000名成年學生,提供廣泛課程,包括:英語課程、A-Level 等升學課程、學徒課程和為個別行業訂造的課程等等。 學校有一個特別的烹調課程,此外,亦有很多跟消閒相關的課程,希望學生在學習時,不會忘記學習是為了改善生活這目標。

    Brockenhurst College has provided quality education for one hundred years and we are immensely proud of our academic reputation and the success of our students throughout the years.

    Our anniversary celebration in September 2013 launched a series of events to mark our achievements to date and to commit to our continuing success for future generations.  Alumni were able to reunite with each other and their teachers from each decade, together with others who’ve had close association with the College – all of whom have played an important role in its history.

    Education has changed a great deal in one hundred years but Brock’s ambition remains the same – to enhance lives through learning. Our commitment to excellence is unwavering; our aim is to ensure that students are provided with the best education possible, supported by dedicated teaching staff, excellent facilities and a unique environment where everyone is encouraged and enabled to achieve their goals.

    Our annual A level results are proof of our excellence, with a consistent 99% pass rate year on year. In 2015 half of students gained A*-B grades, with three quarters of all students achieving A*-C grades across all subjects.

    Brock also enrols more than 8,000 adult students each year across a range of skills and qualification courses, apprenticeship programmes and tailor-made courses for business and industry.   A unique cookery school and a range of leisure courses and sporting activities also serve our community.  We strive to enhance lives through learning and constantly review our programmes to ensure they offer relevant study of real interest and benefit to all our students.

    Unique Point / Rise Smart Comment
    學校重點 / 廸昇評價

    • 英國南部,天氣和暖,交通方便
    • 為提高國際學生的英語能力,學校額外提供英語補習課程
    • 鄰近知名大學University of Southampton
    • 提供40科A-Level 科目,對每一科有足夠支援
    • 大部份為英國學生,只有少量國際學生,使學生在全英語環境下學習
    • 每年學費只需7,700英鎊,比私立學校便宜超過一半
    • 可修讀悠閒課程如:烹調,攝影等等
    • 比較多一點香港學生,協助早日適應及有教國際學生經驗
    • Ofsted 報告 – Outstanding


  • 學校背景

    學生人數: 8,000

    考試成績及升學率 2015-16


    英文班: Yes
    Foundation 大學預備班: Yes

    Business (covering modules in Business, Economics and Mathematics)
    • Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (covering modules in Biology,
    Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics)


    A-Level (2-Years) - 40 Subjects
    Foundation Degree
    Vocational Course

    學費及住宿費 - 每年

    貨幣: GBP
    學費: 7,700
    住宿費: 6,500 - 7,500
    寄宿家庭: Yes


    入學時間: 9月,1月

    年齡 : 16+
    A-Level : 中四/中五,校內成績平均分55%以上,IELTS for UKVI : 5.5

    申請文件: 過去2年校內成績表、公開考試成績(如有)、IELTS for UKVI及護照
    入學試: Yes
    IELTS: Yes
    面試: Yes
    查詢熱線: 852 - 2980 2306
  • Outstanding Academic Potential Scholarships
    The Outstanding Academic Potential Scholarship (OAPS) for International Students aims to support Brockenhurst College’s commitment to attract, encourage and retain talented human capital from abroad. This scholarship aims to attract academically outstanding learners from around the world to pursue advanced further education studies at Brockenhurst College.

    Programme of study - Scholarship Value

    Pre A levels - £1000 off total tuition fees

    A levels - £2000 off total tuition fees

    Fast Track A levels - £1000 off total tuition fees

    International Foundation Programmes - £1500 off total tuition fees

    Art & Design Foundation Diploma - £1000 off total tuition fees

    Vocational Courses - £1500 off total tuition fees

    Higher National Diplomas - £1500 off total tuition fees

    You must be a tuition fee-paying international student
    You must have been offered and accepted a place on an eligible programme at Brockenhurst College
    You must not be in receipt of any other scholarships during the tenure of this Brockenhurst College scholarship

    Scholarship Criteria
    You must provide proof of consistently high academic achievement over the last 2 academic years
    You must be able to demonstrate a very good level of English above the specified entry requirements for your chosen programme of study

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  • 入學時間: 9月,1月

    年齡 : 16+
    A-Level : 中四/中五,校內成績平均分55%以上,IELTS for UKVI : 5.5

    申請文件: 過去2年校內成績表、公開考試成績(如有)、IELTS for UKVI及護照
    入學試: Yes
    IELTS: Yes
    面試: Yes
  • 查詢熱線: 852 - 2980 2306