在美國及加拿大,學生必需先完成一個醫學相關的4年制學士學位(PRE-MED)後,才可以正式修讀醫學博士(Doctor of Medicine M.D.),整體時間需時7至10年。所以香港學生一般會到英國及澳洲修讀5-6年制的醫科學士課程(MBBS)。
想在英國修讀醫科的競爭,不比香港為低,但給香港學生多一個機會進入這個”懸壺濟世”的行業。除了要修讀A-Level ,IB 或 Pre-U等高認受性課程外,更要準備醫學品格測驗(UKCAT)。部份Sixth Form College更度身訂做了MEDICINE課程,為學生做足面試準備,又給予學生到相關機構實習的機會。
澳洲 - University of Tasmania
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (Minimum 5 years, up to a maximum of 7 years)
In this course you will learn the basic science of medicine and how it's applied in a clinical environment - along with the ethical and professional elements of practice.
From your very first year you will be gaining first-hand experience through professional practice placements, while your course work brings together case-based learning with a range of opportunities to expand your expertise - from anatomy dissection to acquiring clinical skills.
Year 1-3
Students will undertake predominantly campus-based learning programs, including lectures, tutorials and practical classes. Patient contact will be introduced in the first year and be experienced in a variety of environments, exposing students to a range of health-care practices with an emphasis on community, particularly rural learning. This experience will produce graduates with the flexibility to adapt to a range of health-care environments in their future careers. Year 3 will provide the transitional year to clinical settings
Years 4-5
Students will be involved in a series of clinical rotations including some electives. Learning in conjunction with other health professionals will be encouraged, to assist graduates develop team skills and foster a multi-disciplinary approach of health-care. Students will also undertake the final two (2) years of the course in clinical placements at one of the three Clinical Schools:
- Hobart Clinical School
- Launceston Clinical School
- Rural Clinical School
Students will be allocated to any of these three Clinical Schools and should expect to spend at least one (1) of the final two (2) years of the course at the Rural Clinical School or the Launceston Clinical School
By the time you have finished your fifth and final year of study, you will possess the skills, knowledge and attitudes to begin supervised practice as an intern in Australia or New Zealand and you will have laid the foundations for a career that is always enlightening and endlessly rewarding.
澳洲 - University of Queensland (Post-Graduate Entry)
Doctor of Medicine (4 years full time)
- The Doctor of Medicine is designed to develop the knowledge, skills and personal qualities expected of leading junior doctors. There are two entry pathways: Provisional Entry (for school leavers) or Direct Entry (for university graduates).
- The program is structured in two phases: Clinical Preparation and Clinical Practice. Across the program, you'll transition from studying specific cases in classes with a tutor to undertaking clinical rotations in hospitals.
- Clinical Preparation (years 1 and 2) combines the study of basic and clinical sciences with training in research, ethics, public health and clinical skills. You'll also complete an apprentice-style Observership to gain insight into life as a doctor.
- Clinical Practice (years 3 and 4) involves undertaking rotations at a clinical school. Each clinical rotation is eight-weeks long. There are three Clinical Schools: one in Brisbane, one involving units across rural Queensland, and one in New Orleans, Louisiana.