在香港以外地方受訓的申請人, 如想在香港成為註冊護士必需︰
澳洲 - Flinders University
The aim of the Bachelor of Nursing is to prepare comprehensive nurses who are reflective about their practice, have well-developed clinical reasoning skills and can confidently engage in nursing practice in a variety of environments/contexts, and to provide students with the learning opportunities they need to meet the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC) Registered Nurse Accreditation Standards (2012) and achieve the Flinders University graduate qualities.
Graduates of the course are expected to be able to:
- meet the requirements for registration as general nurses with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia
- deliver nursing care as safe and therapeutic practitioners based on justifiable decisions derived from clinical reasoning and the best available evidence, taking account of the broader contexts of health and health care
- base their nursing practice on a holistic understanding of a person’s health status within their social context
- practise with an understanding of knowledge from supporting psychosocial and science disciplines
- critically reflect on their practice
- apply the principles and processes of nursing inquiry
- engage in research activities that promote and improve nursing practice and the profession
- adapt their nursing practice to the requirements of any situation, individual or group
- function as effective members of healthcare teams
- apply the University graduate qualities to their professional lives.
澳洲 - University of Adelaide
The Bachelor of Nursing is designed to produce registered nurses with a high level of hands-on practical experience in both simulation and in the real world. Our high-tech simulation allows for skill development and problem solving in a safe environment. The degree also offers students the chance to explore contemporary issues in the areas of health promotion, maintenance, advocacy and care.
Adelaide Nursing School has a relatively small student intake each year, meaning that students will form strong relationships with their fellow students and have the opportunity to interact closely with teaching staff, all first year students are allocated an academic mentor from within the nursing school. An inter-professional learning environment means that students train alongside dentistry, medicine and psychology students. Throughout the degree, students undertake compulsory placements in clinical and non-clinical settings across city and rural locations to gain the skills, attitudes and knowledge that will underpin their future careers. Overseas learning options can also provide global scope to study.
This degree provides a professional qualification as a registered nurse and is recognised Australia-wide. The Adelaide Nursing School is ranked first in South Australia for graduate employment and third in Australia for overall experience. (Good Universities guide 2017/18).