1. 成為準精算師會員Associate member:
2. 成為精算師會員Fellow:
而澳洲的精算專業考試可分為三個階段。第一階段是在澳洲大學修讀相關的精算學科,如金融、財務數學、經濟、機率與統計、保險等等;第二階段則是Actuarial Control Cycle,考生須在指定的大學參加相應的考試而取得學分;第三階段則須通過四項不同形式的考核和考試,可同時在相關行業一邊工作,一邊考試。完成前兩個階段,在取得兩年工作經驗後,可申請成為準精算師(AIAA)。具備三年以上相關工作經驗,透過參加職業化課程可取得精算師資格;要取得終極FIAA澳洲精算學會院士尚要在第三階段修讀專業課程和完成四項考核。
學校介紹 :
英國 - University of Leicester
BSc Mathematics and Actuarial Science (3 years full-time)
BSc Mathematics and Actuarial Science with Year in Industry (4 years full-time)
On this course you will become comfortable with data and with its manipulation. You will also develop great team working skills and persuasive communication techniques. Crucially, you will be in a position to know why you are in an organisation and what you can contribute.
Completing this degree can lead to you obtaining exemptions from the first tier of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries' exams, alongside a wide range of related skills which will enable you to add value in many areas for your future employers.
Leicester is one of the first universities to fully embed the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries' Curriculum 2019 syllabus into our Actuarial courses. This means we integrate more business-focused knowledge and skills, such as data science and predictive analytics, as well as focusing more keenly on the development of personal and professional competencies. With the added benefit of an optional year in industry, this will help you become more work-ready in a competitive environment.
澳洲 - Australian National University
Bachelor of Actuarial Studies (3 years full-time)
This is the esteemed degree that will make you a thought leader in financial fields. With an ANU Bachelor of Actuarial Studies you will excel your career literally anywhere in the world.
Risk is all around us - in investment markets, on the roads, from our health and the climate. This degree will teach you how to apply your mathematical talent in understanding, measuring and managing the risks.
Graduates will apply mathematical, statistical, financial, economic and other skills to untangle the most complex and difficult problems facing the commercial world.