
牙科 Dentistry



在英國只有16間大學設有牙科課程,其中5間更是只限研究生入學,這5間要求申請人至少在本科學位上取得生物醫學科學 2.1 (Second Upper)的成績。因此,競爭是非常激烈的,在2013,每26申請人中只有1個獲得取錄。


即使在海外完成相關課程,亦必需經過嚴格的查核,由 香港牙醫管理委員會 跟據 香港法例第156章《牙醫註冊條例》作出相關審查,不單考核學歷,亦要求申請者在海外已完成相關實習時間,之後委員會會安排相關考核,令到香港的牙醫能夠達到法例所要求的水平。

此外,牙科不是單一位牙醫就可以完成的工作,更需要一個完善的團隊去合作照顧病人,例如:訂做牙套,種植牙齒,換齒後學習說話等等。 團隊包括: 牙醫助理,牙科衛生學家(dental hygienists),牙科技術員(dental technicians),牙科治療師(dental therapists)。


學校介紹 :

英國 - University of Sheffield 

Early in the course you’ll learn about the human body in health and disease as well as diseases of the teeth and the supporting tissues, how they can be prevented and how to carry out simple clinical procedures. As you progress through the course, you’ll learn more advanced skills in patient management, the importance of whole patient care, and their long-term management – just as if you were a qualified dental surgeon.

At the end of your second year, you may choose to take a year out to study for a BMedSci. This is an opportunity to obtain an in-depth understanding of one of the subjects introduced in the dental course. It includes the opportunity to undertake a substantial piece of research.

Towards the end of the BDS course, there is increasing emphasis on the relationship between the different dental specialisms, and the development of skills in diagnosis and treatment planning. Throughout your clinical study you’ll learn to take a preventive approach to patient care, and motivate patients to look after their oral health.





澳洲 - University of Adelaide 

The degree offers hands-on experience with an emphasis on preventive-based approaches to oral diseases. Clinical experience is embedded into the degree from first year, and students learn through a variety of innovative and flexible learning approaches including case studies and simulation. The Dental Simulation Clinic is a high-tech environment where students develop their patient care skills using equipment found in real-life clinical settings. Dentistry students also have the opportunity to learn in Australia’s newest dental teaching hospital, located in the state-of-the-art Adelaide Health and Medical Sciences (AHMS) building.

Extensive clinical placements across metropolitan and rural settings are built into the degree, along with a community outreach dental program that allows students to develop their skills while helping to improve the dental health of disadvantaged people across Adelaide and South Australia.

University of Adelaide dental graduates become advocates for their patients and for the community’s future oral health needs. Graduates have the knowledge and skills required to register as a dental practitioner in Australia and have a variety of employment opportunities in both private and public practice; as well as the defence force, academia and other areas. 





紐西蘭 - University of Otago 

If you are considering a career as a dentist, you should be prepared for life-long learning to maintain your practising standards.

As a graduate there are opportunities for full-time or part-time work in New Zealand or overseas; and opportunities include private general or specialist practice, academic careers, or hospital-based practice.

Dentistry teaches you:

  • The scientific foundations in anatomy, physiology, and oral biology
  • About public health dentistry and how to develop your communication skills
  • Clinical skills, first in simulation classes in the Faculty's cutting-edge simulation laboratory, and then in patient sessions
  • About a wide range of clinical dental disciplines including prosthodontics and clinical cariology, endodontics, periodontics, paediatric dentistry, orthodontics, oral medicine, oral surgery, and special needs dentistry


