
動物學 Veterinary Science





獲香港獸醫管理局認可的英國大學課程只為幾個,包括: Universities of Bristol, Cambridge, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Liverpool, London and Nottingham

而獲認可的澳洲及紐西蘭大學亦只有: 墨爾本大學(Bachelor of Veterinary Science (BVSc) 或Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM))、昆士蘭大學(BVSc)、悉尼大學(BVSc),以及Murdoch大學(Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery (BVMS)), Massey University (BVSc)。

部份課程亦跟著醫學課程一樣,要求考生具備合適的心理狀況及精確判斷力,所以除面試外,亦要考能力傾向測驗 (Aptitude Test)。



英國 - University of Glasgow

Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine & Surgery (5 years full time) 

The BVMS programme is based on integration of clinical and science subject areas and has a spiral course structure, meaning that you will revisit topics as you progress through the programme, each time with increasing clinical focus. In conjunction, there is a vertical theme of professional and clinical skills development to help you acquire the personal qualities and skills you will need in professional environments.

The programme is delivered over five years and is divided into three phases.





澳洲 - Murdoch University

Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Veterinary Biology + Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) (5 years full time)

A science-based approach and hands-on experience will prepare you for the highest standard of work in the veterinary industry. Class sizes are kept small so that you can make the most of the knowledge and practical training provided by some of the best Veterinary teaching staff in Australia and beyond. 

You’ll learn real-world skills in general practice and emergency areas in state-of-the-art facilities including veterinary teaching hospitals, clinics and working farm, all located at the Murdoch University South Street campus. As part of your degree, you could complete placements with the RSPCA, Perth Zoo and a wide range of farms and veterinary practices. 

To become a qualified vet, you’ll need to complete a three-year Bachelor of Science (Veterinary Biology) which progresses into an integrated DVM (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine).  You could complete your full qualification over 12 semesters, or 5 calendar years. 

When you graduate, you will be qualified to register immediately and practise as a vet in Australia and other countries including New Zealand, UK, Europe, Singapore, Malaysia and North America. 

This Veterinary Science major has been accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association. This means that to be eligible to sit USA veterinary licensing examinations, you would be considered in the same category as North American graduates.


