New Hall School

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Boarding School Category: 男女校 and 英國 United KingdomBoarding School Tags: Top100

  • 位於英格蘭東南部的New Hall School,是英國其中一間歷史悠久的大型天主教私立寄宿學校。佔地面積為85英畝,其中包括運動場和體育設施, 學校建築宏偉,主要建築物都是都鐸王朝的宮殿, 其中包括足球場、游泳池、科學實驗室、樂器練習室、劇場等設施。環境優美,校風純樸及成績出類拔萃,所以吸引全球逾20個國家的學生報讀。奉行Diamond教學,初中階段,男女生分開上課。

    學校提供的A Level科目多元化,包括較罕有的政治、神學等等。學校在著重學業成績之餘,認同語言培訓亦十分重要,為了促進語言學習,不時舉辦文化交流團,使學生有機會實地練習。另外,為國際學生提供免費英語班和辯論訓練,進一步提升他們英語會話水準。


    Mission Statement
    They believe that New Hall, a Catholic boarding and day school, enables students to meet confidently the challenges of the wider world. Here students of different traditions are educated in an environment where academic excellence is achieved. This is brought about in surroundings where relationships are based on the Gospel values of trust and respect.

    It is a peaceful place where those of all faiths and none can find stillness and calm. It provides a sanctuary from a busy world.Students participate in the planning of liturgies and take an active role in various ministries as servers, readers and musicians. The acoustics of the Chapel enhance the fine liturgical music that enriches the worship.All students participate in our award-winning New Hall Voluntary Service (NHVS), where they gain confidence, leadership and team-working skills and a desire to serve others. They will develop a sense of charity and community that will remain with them beyond their years at New Hall.

    Field Trip Sharing

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    學校重點 / 廸昇評價

    • 學校與其他學校聯辦各種活動,有辯論賽、 合唱團和社會實踐活動
    • 定期組織學生觀看戲劇和歌劇
    • 有專業的舍監和導師負責管理宿舍,悉心為每個學生提供一個舒適的學習及住宿環境
    • 科目選擇多元化
  • 學校背景

    始創年份: 1642
    宗教: Catholic
    學生人數: 1410
    國際學生人數: 78
    寄宿學生人數: 279
    HMC 學校: Yes

    公開考試成績 2023

    2023 GCSE (% 7-9) : 44
    2023 A-Level (% A*-A) : 38

    2024-25 學費及寄宿費 - 每學期

    學期: 3
    貨幣: GBP
    Year 5: 8562
    Year 6: 8562
    Year 7 : 10842
    Year 8 : 10842
    Year 9 : 13131
    Year 10 : 13131
    Year 11 : 13131
    Year 12 : 13131
    Year 13 : 13131


    申請文件: 過去2年校內成績表、推薦信、比賽或活動証明及護照
    申請費: £150
    入學試: Yes
    面試: Yes
    查詢熱線: 852 - 2980 2306
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  • Combined Cadet Force CCF: Yes
    Duke of Edinburgh: Yes
    Basketball: Yes
    Cricket: Yes
    Drama: Yes
    Football: Yes
    Golf: Yes
    GYM: Yes
    Hockey: Yes
    Netball: Yes
    Rugby: Yes
    Swimming: Yes
    Tennis: Yes
  • 申請文件: 過去2年校內成績表、推薦信、比賽或活動証明及護照
    申請費: £150
    入學試: Yes
    面試: Yes
    查詢熱線: 852 - 2980 2306