
Cognitive Abilities Test (CAT4) 英國認知能力測試


What is the CAT4?

The Cognitive Abilities Test (CAT4) is used by UK schools to assess pupils’ developed abilities and future academic potential.

Schools use a child’s performance in a CAT4 to judge progress over the academic year and to make decisions regarding setting and streaming according to ability. It is a way for a school to understand a pupil’s strengths and weaknesses and to personalise learning and adapt teaching.

The resulting data is used to identify a pupil’s strengths, weaknesses and learning preferences. Crucial information essential for personalised learning. The more a school knows about a pupil, the better it can position itself to enable pupils to maximise their individual potential.


學校使用學生在CAT4中的表現來判斷學年的進展情況,並根據能力決定取錄與否。 學校能了解學生的優點和缺點,從而制定個人化的學習計劃及教學模式。

所得數據用於確定學生的優勢,弱點和學習偏好。 學校越多了解學生,越能為學生定位,使學生能夠最大限度地發揮自己的潛能。


CAT4 Test Format 考試模式

The CAT4 is usually administered in four parts and consists of questions assessing:

  1. Verbal Reasoning (VR)
  2. Non Verbal Reasoning (NVR)
  3. Quantitative Reasoning (QR)
  4. Spatial Awareness (SA).

Questions are in multiple-choice format and there are five answers to choose from, labelled A-E.

CAT4 is available for children aged 7:06 – 17+ years and comes in seven different levels of difficulty. Each comprises three tests of 45 minutes each; 2 hours 15 minutes in total.


CAT4 Sample Report 模擬報告


CAT4 Sample Questions 模擬試題



CAT4 Online Practicing Questions 試題練習

Rise Smart exclusive offer: 10% discount from Test Prep Online.
廸昇海外升學中心聯同Test Prep Online 合作,提供全港獨家九折優惠。

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*All packages are in USD 所有計劃以美金結算


CAT4 Preparatory Course 預備課程
廸昇設有一對一CAT4 預備課程,歡迎致電2980 2306查詢。
We have one-on-one tutoring course for CAT4, please call 2980 2306 for more information.



導師團隊 Experts Team


All tutors are graduated in top institutions around the world with extensive tutoring experience in Hong Kong and aboard.


Miss. Jennifer
BA in English, University of Portsmouth
She is an experienced English teacher currently working at Poole grammar school. She studied English (BA) at the University of Portsmouth. She has taught as a full time teacher in a range of schools for a number of years. Her subjects include English Language (KS3 & KS4), English Literature (KS3, KS4 & KS5), Drama (KS3 & KS4), Media Studies (mainly theory KS4) and she has also taught Year 9 Sociology. She is adept at teaching via Zoom and gives energetic lessons.

Miss. Sarah
Miss. Sarah is an experienced and qualified English Language and Literature teacher committed to raising academic standards and international awareness by promoting high expectations, using a range of culturally-diverse resources and developing student engagement and confidence. Skilled in planning and delivering effective and innovative learning materials for both native speakers of English and second language learners. Proven ability to build a good rapport with students and raise confidence and grades. Familiar with teaching both secondary students and adults, in a classroom, 1-1 and online. Fifteen years teaching experience with success mentoring students up to A Level, as well as for Oxbridge interviews, 11 and 13+, CV enhancement and career pathways. She studied at the university of Bath.

Mr. Bowman
Politics and International Relations, University of Bristol
Radley College
Ben specialise in 11+, 13+, and A-Level History and Politics. Ben has been instrumental in getting students into the most prestigious schools in England, including Eton, Harrow, Radley, Winchester, St Pauls and Bradfield.
Ben had also helped several students increase their ability to understand verbal and non verbal reasoning problems and in doing so ensured their successful completion of the CAT4 test and in foreign students cases the UKiset Test.

Miss. Tamsyn
PGCE in Secondary Maths at University of Exeter
Tamsyn has been teaching Maths in the classroom for over 19 years mostly working in outstanding Prep & Senior Independent Schools including King’s College Wimbledon Junior School and Downside School. Although educated in the Maritime world she developed a passion for Maths so after a very successful PGCE in Secondary Maths at Exeter University her life as a Maths teacher began. She creates confidence and understanding in tackling Maths exams. Tamsyn has also been part of the school entrance exam programme and has helped numerous children access their first choice schools by tutoring them in 11 and 13+.


Mr. Lau
BA English, University College London
Berkhamsted School, UK (AL - 2A* 2A; IELTS - 8.5/9)
(中學畢業於英國著名男女子寄宿學校Berkhansted School, 大學畢業於英國UCL, 主修英語, 現為中學英語老師)

Miss. Chan
Juris Doctor, HKU
BSc Politics and Philosophy, LSE
Badminton School, UK (AL 1A*4A, GCSE 10A*1A)
(中學畢業於英國著名女子寄宿學校Badminton School, 大學畢業於英國倫敦政治經濟學院, 已完成香港大學PCLL)

Mr. Chong
Kwok's Scholar

Bachelor of Arts – BA, Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE)
University of Oxford, UK (2019-2022)
Wellington College, UK (IB:43/45)
(中學畢業於英國頂尖寄宿中學Wellington College, 現為牛津大學PPE二年級生)

Mr. Tsang
Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences, University of Hong Kong
Diocesan Boys’ School (IB:40/45)
(中學於DBS 修讀IB, 獲取40分, 現為香港大學二年級生)

Miss. Loke
Master of International Affairs, HKU
Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE)
University of Warwick, UK
Cheltenham Ladies' College (AL - 4A)
(畢業於英國華威大學PPE, 曾就讀英國著名寄宿女校 Cheltenham Ladies' College (AL - 4A))