香港︰香港言語治療師協會(The Hong Kong Association of Speech Therapists (HKAST))
美國︰美國發音-言語-聽力協會(American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) )
英國︰皇家言語治療師學會(Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT))
澳洲︰澳大利亞言語病理學(Speech Pathology Australia (SPA))
加拿大︰加拿大言語&聽力(Speech-Language & Audiology Canada (SAC))
英國 - The University of Sheffield
BSc Speech and Language Sciences (3 years full time)
This three-year course combines psychology, linguistics and social science to study how people communicate. You'll learn about disorders of speech, language and literacy in children and adults through experiences inside and outside the classroom. You'll gain a good understanding of human communication based in traditional subjects such as linguistics and psychology and will apply your knowledge to the study of communication disorders and their effects on the individual in society. There are options to select topics in areas of special interest within the course structure.
Our tutors will help you to plan your studies throughout your course. We'll help build your confidence in applying your knowledge and skills through project work and volunteering in our in-house clinic or in local schools.
澳洲 - University of Sydney
Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech Pathology) (4 years full time)
The Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech Pathology) is a four-year full-time which consists of 31 core units and 1 elective unit of study. You will complete 192 credit points to be awarded the degree.
From the second year of the course, you will have an opportunity to participate in a wide variety of practicum experiences as part of your clinical training placements. These occur on-campus and in off-campus placements in metropolitan and country areas and sometimes interstate and overseas.
紐西蘭 - University of Canterbury
Bachelor of Speech and Language Pathology with Honors (4 years full time)
Over the four years of this degree, students gain the knowledge and skills to assist a wide variety of people with communication and swallowing disorders.
The Bachelor of Speech and Language Pathology with Honours (BSLP(Hons)) is a highly regarded, professional degree with a strong practical focus. UC students are able to utilise excellent on-site resources including clinics and research facilities.
- Qualification recognised in Australia and the United Kingdom, Ireland, and Canada.
- Accredited by the New Zealand Speech–language Therapists' Association.
- Highly employable graduates.
- Fieldwork accounts for 25–50%, depending on year of study.
- Students have the opportunity to undertake work with people of all ages at clinics on campus, nationally and overseas.