職業治療(Occupational Therapy,簡稱OT,是一種使用特定活動,從而協助、恢復身體或精神心理上的各樣疾病。它是一種透過有目的的活動來治療、協助及維持病者生理上、心理上的健康;或減輕及舒緩病者在發展障礙或社會功能上的障礙對他們的影響,使他們能獲得最大的生活獨立性。
根據世界職能治療師聯盟(World Federation of Occupational Therapists)公布的2010年修訂版成員組織的定義,職業治療中文的定義為:「職業治療是透過幫助個案選擇、安排與執行日常的職能活動,進而提昇其生活品質。職業治療的對象包括因生理、心理及社會功能障礙、發展遲緩、學習障礙、老化或社會文化環境不利等因素而導致執行個人的活動或參與社會的能力受限者。職業治療專業人員應用職能科學與理論及活動分析,來瞭解影響個案職能表現的原因口針對個案的生理、心理及社會功能予以訓練、提昇,同時並運用環境改造、副木及輔助用具、工作簡化、以及工作強化等方法,來幫助個案能夠執行有意義的日常活動,以維持其身心功能,並預防功能之退化,讓每個人都能夠過著有品質的生活。」
- 個性化的評估,在此期間,接受治療者或其家人與職業治療師將確定接受治療者的治療目標。
- 定制治療計劃,以改善進行日常活動之能力及協助達到治療目標
只要完成世界職業治療師聯合會(World Federation of Occupational Therapists)所認可的課程,並在合資格的職業治療師的督導完成1000小時實習,加上IELTS成績達6.5分,當中各部分考核不低於6.0分,以及具備培訓及臨床實習紀錄,便可向職業治療師管理委員會申請註冊。
過往同學們會選擇往澳洲攻讀職業治療學位課程,原因是選擇多,海外學生亦可選擇不同大學的基礎班課程。近年,英國亦開始放寬海外生入學要求,增設職業治療課程基礎課程,讓學生多一個選擇。其中英國的University of Liverpool 及 University of West England, Bristol 的職業治療大學基礎班近年亦大受歡迎,但每年學額不多,大約8-10個,所以有興趣報讀這兩所學校的基礎班同學,需要及早報名。
英國 - University of West England, Bristol
BSc(Hons)Occupational Therapy (3 years full time)
BSc(Hons) Occupational Therapy is approved by the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) so you'll be eligible to apply for registration with them when you graduate, something you must do to practise in this field.
Focus on the relationship between occupation and health and wellbeing and gain the contemporary, evidence-based knowledge and skills you need to establish yourself as an occupational therapist.
Learn to work with clients, carers and other professionals to deliver safe, effective and ethical interventions supporting people to be independent in their occupations, and enjoy better health and wellbeing.
With a strong focus on employability, you'll become confident in applying your skills and knowledge to different settings and working with service users.
Get ready for practice in our specialist simulation facilities, dedicated skills suite and occupational therapy resource centre. Spend at least 1,000 hours on practice placements with regional health and social care providers.
As well as volunteering locally as part of Widening Occupation Weeks (WOW), you may have the opportunity to volunteer abroad or take part in an Erasmus international placement in your final year.
Work with a supportive and accessible academic team who are research active and have a wealth of clinical experience to share.
澳洲 - The University of Newcastle
Bachelor ofOccupational Therapy (Honors) (4 years full time)
UON trains world-class occupational therapists. Our graduates work worldwide, helping people and communities overcome unique challenges to get the most out of everyday life activities. You might help children reach developmental milestones or manage their disability. You could assist older clients to return to their daily lives after a stroke or hip replacement. Or perhaps you will help people return to work following an accident.
As a UON graduated occupational therapist, your skills will be invaluable as you work closely with individuals to assess their unique situation, determine goals and put together a plan for success.
Your occupational therapy studies at UON will teach you theoretical knowledge in biomedical, behavioural and occupational sciences. You will also have plenty of opportunities to hone your skills through hands-on professional placements. You will:
- Gain professional occupational therapy skills through case-based training and interactive team work activities designed to help you become a creative thinker and self-directed learner.
- Learn exceptional communication and interpersonal skills needed to work one-on-one with patients as an occupational therapist.
- Develop critical research skills that will set you in good stead for life-long learning in the field of occupational therapy.