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University of Brighton International College
College Category: 私立學院 and 英國 United Kingdom
University of Brighton除了提供學位課程外,還非常鼓勵學生參加實習工作。University of Brighton與英國當地公司經常合作,在大學二年級時會協助學生尋找實習機會,令到他們升讀大學三年級時,可以到實體公司工作一年獲取相當重要的工作經驗,而在第四年級時才完成學位。所以大部份的University of Brighton畢業生會比其他大學學生有著更多工作經驗,從而提升學生的競爭力。
University of Brighton國際學院的預科課程Foundation提供非常廣泛的課程給國際學生,由主流的商科、社會學系、電腦、工程和科學等等,到比較少有的藝術、設計及媒體都可以修讀,而且University of Brighton的藝術學系是全英國十名內,非常知名。大學其它知名學科亦包括近年熱門的運動科學,因為英國在國際上的運動表現及配套優良,使運動科學的學生得到非常好的實習機會。
University of Brighton國際學院更提供商業和酒店管理的International Year One課程,讓學生在3年內就完成整個大學學士課程,不單獲得寶貴的學位,更節省了金錢及時間。
The International College sits on the campus of the University and provides undergraduate and postgraduate preparation courses in the heart of Brighton with guaranteed progression routes to degrees at the university.
Students benefit from Kaplan’s many years of experience teaching international students, and the facilities and support offered by the university during the preparation course.
All students who complete their preparation course at the International College to the required level are guaranteed admission onto their chosen degree at the University of Brighton. Students progressing to MPharm(Hons) will also need to meet professional requirements.
There are many advantages to choosing to study at the University of Brighton International College:
Located on the campus of the University – international students have full access to university facilities while they prepare for their degree
Guaranteed progression routes to many undergraduate and postgraduate degree courses at the University
One-to-one academic support – students benefit from learning support tutors and a high number of teacher contact hours in small classes
A close partnership with the University – successful graduates from the College will not need to complete another SELT test in order to to be eligible to study at the University. -
On-Campus: Yes聯繫大學: University of Brighton大學介紹:英國大學排名 No. 91 (Guardians 2017)
以下科目排名根據 Guardians 2017
Art 藝術 : 20考試成績及升學率 2015-16
英文班: YesFoundation 大學預備班: YesArts, Design and Media
Business, Hospitality, Tourism and Social Sciences
ScienceInternational Year One / Diploma 大學一年級(國際): YesBusiness
Hospitality and TourismPre-Master 碩士先修班: YesArts, Design and Media
Business, Hospitality, Tourism and Social Sciences
Science and Engineering學費及住宿費 - 每年
貨幣: GBP學費: 11,300 - 14,250住宿費: 5,500 - 8,000學校宿舍: Yes寄宿家庭: Yes申請資料
入學時間: 1月,9月入學要求:17+
Foundation : IELTS 5.0+ , 中五平均分50-55% 或 HKDSE 2-2-2
International Year One : IELTS 5.0 - 5.5, HKDSE 3-3-3
Pre-Master : IELTS 5.5 , 完成相關大學學位申請文件: 過去2年校內成績表、公開考試成績(如有)、IELTS for UKVI及護照入學試: YesIELTS: Yes面試: Yes查詢熱線: 852 - 2980 2306 -
入學時間: 1月,9月入學要求:
Foundation : IELTS 5.0+ , 中五平均分50-55% 或 HKDSE 2-2-2
International Year One : IELTS 5.0 - 5.5, HKDSE 3-3-3
Pre-Master : IELTS 5.5 , 完成相關大學學位申請文件: 過去2年校內成績表、公開考試成績(如有)、IELTS for UKVI及護照入學試: YesIELTS: Yes面試: Yes -
查詢熱線: 852 - 2980 2306