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University of Western Australia
College Category: 澳洲 Australia and 私立學院
University of Western Australia, 創於1911年,位於澳洲西澳大利亞洲的首府珀斯(Perth)。
西澳大学自創校以來,一直是澳洲的最具歷史,代表性和實力的頂尖研究型學府之一,在眾多權威的澳洲大學排名中名列前茅。同時也是澳大利亞最享有盛譽的澳洲八大名校(Group of Eight)的聯盟成員之一。它在各個領域中對西澳大利亞州和國家發展與繁榮皆有巨大貢獻。
在2015年度中,QS世界大學排名將University of West Austrlia列位全球排名第46。
- 建築、地政及視覺藝術學院 (Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Visual Arts)
- 文學、人文及社會學院 (Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences)
- 經濟及商學院 (Faculty of Economics and Commerce (Business School))
- 教育學院 (Faculty of Education)
- 工程、電腦及數學院 (Faculty of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics)
- 法學院 (Faculty of Law)
- 生命及物理學院 (Faculty of Life and Physical Sciences)
- 醫學、牙醫學及健康科學院 (Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences)
- 自然及農學院 (Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences)
University of Western Australia大學基礎課程是由Taylors College教授。透過完成大學基礎課程,學生會被保證入讀(University of Western Australia)。在大學基礎課程畢業後的資歷亦同時受新西蘭及澳洲八大大學所認可。當然,學生同時也可以申請世界其他的大學。
除此以外,Taylors College 有其他分校在澳洲及奧克蘭,包括:
- University of Sydney Foundation Programme, Sydney
- Taylors College-Perth(leading to University of Auckland),New Zealand
- Diploma of Commerce (leading to University of Western Australia), Perth
- Diploma of Science (leading to University of Western Australia), Perth
- Taylors High School, Sydney
- linders International Study Centre, Adelaide
- Guaranteed pathway to university
Taylor College的學生持續達到良好成績及達到大學要求,主要培訓學生在學術,語言,文化及社會方面的知識,並協助學生成功達到大學入讀要求。課程分別提供:
1) 英語準備課程
2) 高中課程
3) 大學預備班
4) Diploma/ international year 1
-提供Student Welfare Officer
Taylors College is located on the grounds of The University of Western Australia, Claremont. This is just three kilometres from the main university campus, allowing easy access to the academic and social facilities offered by UWA.
The best university preparation
Our aim is to provide you with the best preparation to excel at University. Our curriculum is adapted and personalized to suit you and your needs. We’ll work with you to develop your complete skill base – academic, linguistic, cultural and social – so that you become a confident student who will succeed at University. Our courses cover English Language Preparation, High School programs, University Foundation programs and Diploma of Commerce.
The best support and care
Much of our early support involves helping you adapt to life in a new country. Having helped thousands of students, we know what to expect and how to help. As you begin your studies, our care extends to providing you with a well-established network of people to advise and help you with any problems with your studies, health or career options. Each campus has a Student Welfare Officer who is available to assist with a variety or personal problems.
On-Campus: Yes聯繫大學: University of Western Australia大學介紹:澳洲八大之一 Group of 8 (Go8)
世界大學排名 No. 98 (QS Ranking 2016)知名學科世界排名: (QS Ranking)
Earth & Marine Sciences : No 44
Education : No 36
Psychology : No 27
其它學科都是世界百大內,包括:會計,工程,藥劑等等考試成績及升學率 2015-16
升大學率: 96% (90% 進入 UWA)提供課程
英文班: YesFoundation 大學預備班: YesUniversity of Western Australia Foundation Program (UWAFP)
- Standard (40 weeks)
- Intensive (30 weeks)
- Extended (60 weeks)International Year One / Diploma 大學一年級(國際): YesDIPLOMA OF COMMERCE
貨幣: AUD學費: 22,500 - 31,845住宿費: 13,440 - 10,480學校宿舍: Yes寄宿家庭: Yes申請資料
入學時間: 1月,4月,7月,10月入學要求:Foundation : IELTS 5.0 - 5.5, 中五平均分 50 % 或 HKDSE 2-2-2
Diploma : IELTS 6.0 , HKDSE 3-3-3申請文件: 過去2年校內成績表、公開考試成績(如有)、IELTS 及護照IELTS: Yes查詢熱線: 852 - 2980 2306 -
入學時間: 1月,4月,7月,10月入學要求:
Foundation : IELTS 5.0 - 5.5, 中五平均分 50 % 或 HKDSE 2-2-2
Diploma : IELTS 6.0 , HKDSE 3-3-3申請文件: 過去2年校內成績表、公開考試成績(如有)、IELTS 及護照IELTS: Yes查詢熱線: 852 - 2980 2306