Ashville College
Boarding School Category: 男女校 and 英國 United Kingdom
Ashville College 是一所位於英格蘭北部城市 Harrogate 的傳統寄宿學校,建校於1877年,歷史悠久,有着100多年教學經驗,佔地45英畝,環境優美,連接完善的交通網絡,來往曼徹斯特機場十分方便,加上學術成績優異吸引成績傑出的國際學生就讀。
Ashville College在理科成績上比較強,所以中六入學申請者的數學水平一定要達到學校要求。 經學校悉心裁培後,學生多數能成功入讀英國 Top 30的知名大學例如:牛津、劍橋和羅素集團 Russell Group各大學。
Ashville College認為寄宿學校除了教育學生如 何奪取好成績外,培養學生的獨立性亦非常重要, 在寄宿生活上老師會給學生一定的自由,令他們可 以學習獨立生活和建立自信心。完善的校園和宿舍 設備令學生可以在安全和開心的環境下成長。
There are four factors which help to explain their ethos which are outlined below:
-Their purpose is to develop the broadest range of an individual’s talents to their optimum. Academic standards are a priority, but they know that students will only sustain those standards when they have rich and varied lives. Thus they are proud of the breadth of their curriculum and the extent of their extra-curricular provision.
-They delight in the diversity of our students – boys and girls from a multitude of backgrounds and many nations. They bring a richness of experience and enthusiasm to our community and challenge them to find a niche in which every individual may excel and be valued for what they achieve, be it academic, aesthetic, spiritual, sporting or social.
-Self-confidence enables them to tackle new circumstances and challenges, yet it also generates the humility to acknowledge the success of others, the compassion to support those who encounter difficulties and the maturity to take responsibility for themselves.
-They expect their students to leave as complete young adults, secure in themselves, focussed on a path for the future and with the confidence to make wise decisions that enhance their lives and the lives of those around them.
Unique Point / Rise Smart Comment
學校重點 / 廸昇評價- 位於優美的地區,交通方便
- 理科、數學培訓很好,要求亦高
- 獨特的寄宿安排,使學生更投入校園生活
- 豐富的課外活動,讓學生發展各自的才能
始創年份: 1877宗教: Methodist學生人數: 862國際學生人數: 73寄宿學生人數: 101HMC 學校: Yes公開考試成績 2023
2023 GCSE (% 7-9) : 51.982023 A-Level (% A*-A) : 28.182024-25 學費及寄宿費 - 每學期
學期: 3貨幣: GBPYear 5: 7805Year 6: 7805Year 7 : 8875Year 8 : 8875Year 9 : 11745Year 10 : 11745Year 11 : 11745Year 12 : 11745Year 13 : 11745申請資料
申請文件: 過去2年校內成績表、推薦信、比賽或活動証明及護照申請費: £150入學試: Yes面試: Yes查詢熱線: 852 - 2980 2306 -
Duke of Edinburgh: YesBadminton: YesBasketball: YesCricket: YesDrama: YesFootball: YesGolf: YesGYM: YesHockey: YesNetball: YesRugby: YesSwimming: YesTable Tennis: YesTennis: Yes
申請文件: 過去2年校內成績表、推薦信、比賽或活動証明及護照申請費: £150入學試: Yes面試: Yes查詢熱線: 852 - 2980 2306
Year 7 提供的獎學金種類:
- Academic 學術
- Music 音樂
- Art 藝術
- Sport 運動
- Drama 戲劇
Year 12 提供的獎學金種類:- Academic 學術
- Music 音樂
- Art 藝術
- Sport 運動
- Drama 戲劇