Dean Close School

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Boarding School Category: 男女校 and 英國 United Kingdom

  • Dean Close School是一所位於英國西部的基督教學校。校園佔地約50英畝,環境清幽。學校周圍亦有完善交通工具網絡,學生到附近的超級市場購買日用品都十分方便。


    除了學術上,課外活動也是學校重視的一環,例如音樂和戲劇都是重視的項目,校方更常會邀請專家教導學生各類的音樂樂器,而且會提供專業意見幫助戲劇創作,從而增加各學生的想像力和創作力。 Dean Close School亦提供很多有益身心的體育活動及設施給同學使用,包括室內暖水泳池、 體育館、足球場、網球場等等。學校設有約20種體育活動供同學們選擇,例如游泳、足球、網球及田徑。而曲棍球是學校的主要運動,每年也能贏得獎牌。

    Unique Point / Rise Smart Comment
    學校重點 / 廸昇評價

          • 學校每隔3周便會評核學生的成績,並將成績 向家長報告,方便家長跟進學生的學業進度
          • 提供英語強化班EAL幫助海外學生打穩英文基礎應付學術需要


  • 學校背景

    始創年份: 1886
    宗教: 基督教
    學生人數: 782
    國際學生人數: 76
    寄宿學生人數: 262

    公開考試成績 2023

    2023 GCSE (% 7-9) : 58
    2023 A-Level (% A*-A) : 38

    2024-25 學費及寄宿費 - 每學期

    學期: 3
    貨幣: GBP
    Year 5: 9500
    Year 6: 12000
    Year 7 : 12000
    Year 8 : 12000
    Year 9 : 16650
    Year 10 : 16650
    Year 11 : 16650
    Year 12 : 16650
    Year 13 : 16650


    申請文件: 過去2年校內成績表、推薦信、比賽或活動証明及護照
    申請費: 100
    入學試: Yes
    面試: Yes
    查詢熱線: 852 - 2980 2306
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  • Combined Cadet Force CCF: Yes
    Duke of Edinburgh: Yes
    Badminton: Yes
    Basketball: Yes
    Cricket: Yes
    Drama: Yes
    Football: Yes
    GYM: Yes
    Hockey: Yes
    Netball: Yes
    Rugby: Yes
    Swimming: Yes
    Table Tennis: Yes
    Tennis: Yes
  • 申請文件: 過去2年校內成績表、推薦信、比賽或活動証明及護照
    申請費: 100
    入學試: Yes
    面試: Yes
    查詢熱線: 852 - 2980 2306
  • 學校簡介:

    Dean Close School是一所位於英國西部的基督教學校。校園佔地約50英畝,環境清幽。學校周圍亦有完善交通工具網絡,學生到附近的超級市場購買日用品都十分方便。

    • STAY & PLAY – parents stay nearby and participate in all the planned lessons and activities.
    • DROP & GO – parents drop off their child at the school and then do not participate for the 2 weeks. They can return on the final day when they can rejoin the course for the drama show and to collect their child.
    • 2021年加開Junior Academic Course

    課程名稱 年齡 開課日期 結束日期 學費 (英磅)
    Drop and Go 7 – 10 2021年7月18日
    Stay and Play 7 – 10 £9,000(四星期)
    Junior Academic Course 10– 12 £5,120(四星期)

    Each additional child is charged at £3,000.00 per child for 2 weeks
    Each addition adult is charged at £1,500.00 per adult for 2 weeks (STAY & PLAY)

    Included for Children: 

    – 15 hours of English per week.
    – 6 hours of other subjects a week, including Maths, Science, Geography, Drama and Art.
    – Sports programme.
    – Evening social activities with British Student Hosts.
    – Each week, one half-day activity such as climbing or hiking.

    Included for Children and Parents Together (on STAY & PLAY): 

    – Each week, one full-day trip to Bath.
    – Each week, one half-day activity such as painting pottery, or countryside nature walk.
    – Each week, one half-day visit to a different Boarding School.
    – Parents will join students twice a week for lunch at Dean Close School.
    – Social evening meeting British families and children.

    Included Just for Parents (on STAY & PLAY): 

    – 6 hours a week of English lessons.
    – Talk on British education system.
    – Visit to a discount shopping park selling designer goods.
    – Advice on travel in the UK.
    – Free days to arrange your own activities.