
Coventry University 獲選 THE University of the Year

英國Coventry 大學獲 Times Higher Education 選為2015年度 “University of the Year”. 每年只有1間大學可以獲此殊榮。
Times Higher Education (THE) 說: Coventry University 不單前瞻性為學生打做良好學習環境,更提供良好入學途徑,加强了研究的基礎,使學生在大學有更廣闊的學習方向。

現在要進入Coventry University, 除了經UCAS 直接申請學士學位Bachelor Degree外,更可以經
1. ONCAMPUS Coventry - 申請 大學預備班Foundation Program 及 大學一年級 International Year One
2. Coventry London ISC – 申請 Coventry 倫敦分校的大學預備班Foundation Program

At a time when universities are often accused of ploughing familiar furrows, Coventry University stands out as an institution that is willing to take calculated risks to help its students succeed. Most notable has been the establishment of Coventry University College as a low-cost option aimed at removing the barriers that prevent many people from accessing higher education.

By making courses affordable, and structuring them in a flexible way that is in keeping with students’ lives, the college has opened new avenues for individuals who might otherwise have been excluded. In 2013-14, 44 per cent of Coventry’s students were from the poorest postcodes, and the institution has now extended the model to a new Scarborough campus. Students, including many who are the first in their family to attend university, are also encouraged to further broaden their horizons and take up opportunities overseas.

Other achievements in 2013-14 included a transformation of its research strategy, investment in the estate and a £125 million deal to regenerate a neglected area of Coventry city centre, as well as extensive work with small and medium-sized enterprises in the city.

John Gill, editor of Times Higher Education, said: “The judges were impressed with Coventry’s achievements across a range of activities and, in particular, by its novel approach to improving access. We’re always looking for pioneers who make bold attempts to tackle the issues facing higher education locally, regionally and nationally, and Coventry is to be congratulated for doing it so successfully.”

ONCAMPUS Coventry offers successful students a guaranteed progression route
to a number of highly respected degrees, professionally accredited and enhanced by work placements, work experience and sandwich year opportunities.

It’s not too late for students to join our ONCAMPUS Coventry programmes
this January and progress to Coventry University in September