
Badminton School 入學預備優越課程



Badminton School 是英國一所知名女校,中學只有300名學生,所以收生很嚴謹。學生希望學生來到不單是學習,更期望學生能對學校及同學作出貢獻。即使是一所較細的女校,但不等於學校沒有資源給學生,學校位於Bristol 邊陲,有自己獨立的校園,而新的運動大樓即將完工,讓女生們有更多活動空間。

Badminton School 著重學生的發展路向,並期望學生在學校慢慢發掘自己的專長,向學校尋找資源及協助來達致傑出成就。學校有極好的師生比例,所以每個女生都有自己的學習計劃及輔導,除了可以挑戰工程或醫學外,亦可向音樂、歷史及文化等發展。

Badminton School 由 Year 5 已經可以寄宿,初年級由2-4人一間房,每學期轉換同房同學,希望每個女孩都有交流並可以合成一個大家庭。從Year 11 開始可以選擇單人房或雙人房,以便溫習準備考試。

學校明確表示學術要求是學校重要一環,所以UKiset 會要求一個極高成績,但同時希望學生在音樂、藝術及運動都有良好發展。




Badminton School入學預備優越課程幫助學生在入學試及面試當天能夠發揮最佳水準,增加錄取機會。




-協助學生建立個人portfolio 用作報讀學校








-安排Badminton School入學試及面試

-Badminton School入學跟進及處理學生事務 (住宿、簽證、監護人、機票安排及接送等等)



Standard Plan - 港幣$15,000 (包括10小時導師學科補習服務,另有英國升學顧問全程跟進)

Premium Plan -  港幣$27,000 (包括20小時導師學科補習服務,另有英國升學顧問全程跟進)



導師團隊 Experts Team: 

English and Sciences Expert: Mr. Marriott
TEFL Certificate
University of London, UK
BEng (Hons) in Aeronautical Engineering
(畢於於英國倫敦大學, 曾於國際學校任教多年)

Mr. Marriott graduated from the University of London, UK with a B.Eng (Hons) in Aeronautical engineering. He spent his high school education in the UK and graduated with a teaching certificate from Nottingham Trent University.

A positive and motivated teacher, he is committed to providing students with a dynamic and interesting learning environment in which they can grow and develop. He wants to bring his wealth of experience to inspire and motivate students in pursuing academic careers in science and technology. He has substantial industrial and commercial experience.


English Expert: Miss. Yim
Studying Juris Doctor (JD), University of Hong Kong (HKU)
BSc in Government, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
(大學畢業於英國倫敦政治經濟學院, 現修讀香港大學法學博士)

Joyce graduated from the London School of Economics and Political Science, UK with a BSc Government degree and is currently pursuing a Juris Doctor degree at the University of Hong Kong.

Over the past 4 years, Joyce has tutored 30+ IB/GCSE students from notable schools in Hong Kong and the UK, including CIS, LPCUWC, HKIS, WIS, KGV, Harrow School and Godolphin & Latymer School. Joyce mainly teaches English, History and Philosophy, and occasionally helps students with IB Extended Essay and Theory of Knowledge.

Joyce noticed that students are often relatively familiar with the texts, but fail to express their ideas effectively in the exams or assignments. Joyce helps student understand how to structure their essays effectively that will get them the extra marks, as well as the ways to revise efficiently for the upcoming exams.


Mathematics and Sciences Expert: Mr. Wong
Studying Bachelor of Business Administration in Wealth Management, University of Hong Kong (HKU)
Oundle School, UK  (AL - 2A*1A)
(畢業於英國著名寄宿學校Oundle School, 現修讀香港大學BBA)

Tim is currently a final-year finance student at the University of Hong Kong. Having studied abroad in Oundle School, UK since year 9, his most native language is English, but he is also fluent in Cantonese.

Tim achieved 9A*s & 2As in his IGCSEs including Mathematics. In his GCE levels, he obtained A* in Chemistry, A in Mathematics and A in Biology. Tim is experienced with regards to educating youth, he has had 3 years of tutoring experience, and he volunteers as a rugby coach for junior teams in the HKFC every weekend.

Tim is very strong at subjects involving logical reasoning, and is able to articulate and simplify complex ideas. He also has a strong apprehension on examination techniques, specifically on (I)GCSE and GCE exams.


Mathematics and Sciences Expert: Mr. Cheung
Studying in Master of Medical Science (Specialty in Pathology), HKU
BA in Natural Sciences (First Class Honors)
University of Cambridge, UK
Merchiston Castle School (AL - 5A*)
(畢業於英國劍橋大學(一級榮譽), 曾就讀英國著名寄宿男校Merchiston Castle School (AL - 5A*), 現修讀香港大學醫療科學碩士)

Lawrence graduated from University of Cambridge, UK with a BA in Natural Sciences with first class honours. He spent his high school education in the UK and achieved 5A* in GCE A level. Lawrence is now pursuing a Master of Medical Science (Specialty in Pathology) at the University of Hong Kong.

Lawrence has a very strong background in sciences and helps students understand by explaining complex ideas in a clear, simple way. He understands the common traps students often fall into and specifically strengthens students' understanding to avoid these mistakes. Lawrence also contextualises scientific concepts with real-life situation to aid students understand the more practical, interesting side of science.


Mathematics and Sciences Expert: Mr. Li
MEng Chemical Engineering
University of Cambridge
Shrewsbury School (AL - 3A*1A)
(畢業於英國劍橋大學化學工程碩士, 曾就讀英國著名寄宿學校Shrewsbury School (AL - 3A*1A))

Mark graduated from University of Cambridge, UK with a BA and MEng in Chemical Engineering. Before studying at Cambridge, Mark completed GCSEs and A-level at Shrewsbury School where he received Mathematics (A*), Physics (A*), Biology (A*) and Chemistry (A) in GCE A-level.

Mark’s speciality lies in science tutoring and would like to fuel his pupil’s passion for Maths and Sciences as well as training them to excel in exams. To do this, Mark focuses on two main areas: conceptual understanding and exam technique. He guides his pupils through complex concepts by draw analogies from easily comprehensible everyday situations. He also believes a solid understanding is the most effective way to ensure good results. Once the pupil understands the concepts, Mark will teach the pupils what examiners expect to see on paper for high marks.


Mathematics Expert: Christopher
Master of Mathematics
(First Class Honors)
University of Oxford, UK

Christopher graduated from University of Oxford, UK in Master of Mathematics with first class honors (top 8 in his year). Prior to joining Oxford, Christopher attended Queen’s College and obtained top grades in his GCE A Levels including Mathematics, Further Mathematics and Physics.

Christopher is well-versed in tutoring students reading international curricula. Christopher’s expertise in teaching lies with explaining abstract concepts through step-by-step illustration. He also aids students in improving their written presentation skills and they often find his techniques helpful in tackling examinations.


英國升學顧問團隊 Elite UK Education Consultants Team:

Joe Li
Chief Education Consultant

Jordan Lai
University of Essex, UK 

Woodhouse Grove School, UK

Esther Lam
BA Management Studies 
University of Leicester, UK


學生及導師事務團隊 Student and Tutor Affairs Team:

Venus Ng
Bachelor of Science in Psychology (Hons)

University of Toronto 

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