Ruthin School

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Boarding School Category: 男女校 and 英國 United KingdomBoarding School Tags: wales

  • Ruthin School位於威爾斯Wales北部的Ruthin小鎮上,超過729年歷史,小鎮風光如畫,鄰近大城市Chester,屬小型寄宿中學,提供中一至中七課程。


    Ruthin School不是一間高入學要求的Selective學校,但師資優良,所以能夠在考試成績榜上進入極高位置。小班教學令老師可照顧每位學生的需要,學習亦可更專注,大部分學生能夠入讀英國知名大學。另外,為提供更優良的學習環境,Ruthin School 投放了大量資源改善教學設施。

    Ruthin is a very special school. It is small enough to allow all staff to know all the pupils, whether they teach them or not. The staff are highly committed to the aims and ethos of the School, dedicated to developing the full potential of all. We are committed to focusing on the individual and allowing pupils to grow in a pleasant and friendly atmosphere.

    The School has a non-selective entry but achieves a great deal. The Independent Schools’ Inspectorate report was very favourable and commented most positively on not only the academic achievements, but also the demeanour and positive attitude of the pupils. School can be and should be a happy place.

    The pupils at Ruthin flourish in an environment which respects them as individuals and endeavours to develop all aspects of each one. In these days of League Tables it is tempting to focus on academic life at the expense of other important aspects. At Ruthin we shall always be committed to education in the widest sense.

    Unique Point / Rise Smart Comment
    學校重點 / 廸昇評價

    • 課外活動種類繁多,較特別的包括舞台管理、汽車維修等
    • 威爾斯北部是一個適合進行戶外活動的地方,學生可乘地利之便參與攀山、越野賽跑和爬山單車等活動
    • 提供一年GCSE 課程
    • 有駐校的專業護士,負責照顧學生的健康,寄宿生可於Half Term留在宿舍,由舍監照顧
    • 學校校長作為監護人


  • 學校背景

    始創年份: 1284
    學生人數: 241
    國際學生人數: 112
    寄宿學生人數: 117

    公開考試成績 2023

    2023 A-Level (% A*-A) : 70

    2024-25 學費及寄宿費 - 每學期

    學期: 2
    貨幣: GBP
    Year 5: 0
    Year 6: 0
    Year 7 : 15230
    Year 8 : 15230
    Year 9 : 15230
    Year 10 : 15230
    Year 11 : 15230
    Year 12 : 15230
    Year 13 : 15230


    申請文件: 過去2年校內成績表、推薦信、比賽或活動証明及護照
    申請費: £150
    入學試: Yes
    查詢熱線: 852 - 2980 2306
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  • Duke of Edinburgh: Yes
    Basketball: Yes
    Drama: Yes
    Football: Yes
    Golf: Yes
    GYM: Yes
    Hockey: Yes
    Netball: Yes
    Rugby: Yes
    Sailing: Yes
    Table Tennis: Yes
    Tennis: Yes
  • 申請文件: 過去2年校內成績表、推薦信、比賽或活動証明及護照
    申請費: £150
    入學試: Yes
    查詢熱線: 852 - 2980 2306