Hereford Cathedral School

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Boarding School Category: 男女校 and 英國 United Kingdom

  • Hereford Cathedral School是英國最古老的學校之一,從7世紀便開始進行教育工作,現在已是英國著名的私立男女校。

    學校擁有非常傑出的教學成就,超過9成學生畢業後能夠升讀滿意的大學,其中不乏優秀的學生升讀牛津大學和劍橋大學。,Hereford Cathedral School的教學目的是要為學生提供一個井然有序,並且穩定的學習環境,使他們可以在這裡自由發展,充分發揮潛力,並在學術、美術、體育和性格方面綜合發展他們的特色和個性,最終使他們成為嚴以律己,樂於助人和奉獻社會的棟樑之才。學校目前建有很多包括〝State of the Art〞科學實驗和運動埸在內,具有地標性的精美新設施。


    Hereford Cathedral School由2018起提供宿舍給本地和國際學生,Wilmot House離學校大約半小時車程,學校會提供校巴接送。經過翻新的新宿舍為學生提供一個傳統及現代英式住宿環境。學校宿舍設備齊全,有一個大型學生休息室,餐廳,學生廚房和WiFi設備等等。並由附有多年經驗的老師照顧學生日常生活,提供家庭般的住宿體驗,平日學生會在學校飯堂進食午飯,早餐及晚餐會回到宿舍並由廚師烹調。

    Hereford Cathedral School place great value on maintaining close, constructive communication with parents and seek to establish the education of each pupil as a joint endeavour. While academic development of each pupil is a central objective of both the school and the parent body, we seek, through example and ethos, to prepare our pupils for life beyond school by developing certain qualities and values. These include: self-discipline, diligence, acceptance of responsibility and challenge, regard for proper authority, honesty, courtesy, fairness, trustworthiness, loyalty, sensitivity to the needs and views of others, courage, and the capacity to look to the future.

    Their aim is to fulfil their charitable status through service to the local community by support for Cathedral choristers, charitable fundraising, the loan of buildings, and other services to the community. Through competitive fee levels and the award of choristerships, scholarships, and bursaries, the pupil body reflects a wide cross-section of the local population.Unique Point /

    Rise Smart Comment
    學校重點 / 廸昇評價

    • 學校認為培養好一位學生是由學校與家長共同努力的,因此十分重視與學生家長的密切聯繫,並會定時與家長進行建設性的溝通
    • 採取小班教學,老師和強大的生活輔導確保了學生能夠在學術上取得優異的成績
    • 學校非常歡迎國際學生加入,校長Mr. Smith及太太Mrs. Smith堅持每周與國際生見面,討論他們的學習生活

  • 學校背景

    始創年份: 1384
    學生人數: 763
    國際學生人數: 33
    寄宿學生人數: 38

    公開考試成績 2023

    2023 GCSE (% 7-9) : 58 (2022)
    2023 A-Level (% A*-A) : 33

    2024-25 學費及寄宿費 - 每學期

    學期: 3
    貨幣: GBP
    Year 5: 0
    Year 6: 0
    Year 7 : 0
    Year 8 : 0
    Year 9 : 14080
    Year 10 : 14080
    Year 11 : 14080
    Year 12 : 14080
    Year 13 : 14080


    申請文件: 過去2年校內成績表、推薦信、比賽或活動証明及護照
    申請費: 250
    入學試: Yes
    面試: Yes
    查詢熱線: 852 - 2980 2306
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  • Combined Cadet Force CCF: Yes
    Duke of Edinburgh: Yes
    Badminton: Yes
    Basketball: Yes
    Cricket: Yes
    Drama: Yes
    Football: Yes
    GYM: Yes
    Hockey: Yes
    Netball: Yes
    Rugby: Yes
    Swimming: Yes
    Tennis: Yes
  • 申請文件: 過去2年校內成績表、推薦信、比賽或活動証明及護照
    申請費: 250
    入學試: Yes
    面試: Yes
    查詢熱線: 852 - 2980 2306