Tonbridge School

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Boarding School Category: 男校 and 英國 United KingdomBoarding School Tags: Eton and Top100

  • Tonbridge School建於1553年, 位於英國東南部的Kent ,是英國其中一所知名男校,跟Eton、Harrow等齊名。學校由成立以來不斷擴建校舍,現時校園面積已達150英畝,提供寬敞舒適的寄宿環境給學生。學校能成為英國傳統知名學校的其中一個原因是他們完善的教學設施,學校提供十一個科學實驗室、收藏23,000書冊的圖書館和完善的運動設備,使老師能夠培養學生成為全面卓越的學生。

    學校的學術成績長居英國前列,每年亦培訓不少學生進入Oxbridge等知名大學。此外,學校非常重視課外活動,提供專業而充滿樂趣的各類型活動, 包括運動、音樂和學術相關的活動。學校每星期都有大型運動比賽,包括Rugby、足球、籃球和網球等等,學生有足夠機會參與各級比賽,跟其它學生互相幫助、競爭取勝。靜態活動方面,學校安排不同的社羣給學生選擇,如創意寫作社、養蜜蜂社、機器人社和醫學社等等,令學生添加課外知識。

    Unique Point / Rise Smart Comment 
    學校重點 / 廸昇評價

    • 是一所英國傳統寄宿學校,學校歷史悠久,豐富的教學經驗令不少學生成功入讀世界知名大學
    • 提供多元化活動給學生選擇,運動如划艇,帆船和管弦樂團等等
    • Eton Group 12 間學校其中一員
    • 學校明白教育男學生的技巧,幫助學生發揮潛能
  • 學校背景

    始創年份: 1553
    宗教: Church of England
    學生人數: 790
    國際學生人數: 87
    寄宿學生人數: 461
    HMC 學校: Yes

    公開考試成績 2023

    2023 GCSE (% 7-9) : 93
    2023 A-Level (% A*-A) : 80

    2024-25 學費及寄宿費 - 每學期

    學期: 3
    貨幣: GBP
    Year 5: 0
    Year 6: 0
    Year 7 : 0
    Year 8 : 0
    Year 9 : 17597
    Year 10 : 17597
    Year 11 : 17597
    Year 12 : 17597
    Year 13 : 17597


    申請文件: 過去2年校內成績表、推薦信、比賽或活動証明及護照
    申請費: 250
    入學試: Yes
    UKISET: Yes
    面試: Yes
    查詢熱線: 852 - 2980 2306
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  • Combined Cadet Force CCF: Yes
    Duke of Edinburgh: Yes
    Badminton: Yes
    Basketball: Yes
    Cricket: Yes
    Drama: Yes
    Football: Yes
    Golf: Yes
    GYM: Yes
    Rugby: Yes
    Swimming: Yes
    Table Tennis: Yes
    Tennis: Yes
  • 申請文件: 過去2年校內成績表、推薦信、比賽或活動証明及護照
    申請費: 250
    入學試: Yes
    UKISET: Yes
    面試: Yes
    查詢熱線: 852 - 2980 2306
  • Year 9 提供的獎學金種類:
    • Academic 學術
    • Music 音樂
    • Art 藝術
    • Sport 運動
    • Drama 戲劇
    Year 12 提供的獎學金種類:
    • Academic 學術
    • Music 音樂
    • Art 藝術
    • Drama 戲劇

    Academic Scholarships
    Some 21 academic scholarships are awarded each year to boys joining the school at 13+. The top academic award, the Ainslie Scholarship, may have a value up to 50% of the school fee. The other academic scholarships may have a value up to 10%, though the value of any scholarship awarded.

    Music Scholarships
    Each year Music Scholarships are awarded to boys joining the school at both 13+ and 16+. Typically around twelve such scholarships are awarded, mostly to boys joining in Year 9. These scholarships may have a value of up to 10% of the fee, although some Music Scholarships may have higher values. Those who come close to scholarship standard may be awarded a Music Exhibition, which offers the free tuition on two instruments. Around six music exhibitions are awarded each year.

    Cowdrey Scholarships
    Three or more Scholarships will be offered for award each year, for entry to the school at age 13, to boys of character and integrity who display both sporting excellence and sportsmanship in at least one of the main school team games: rugby, cricket, hockey and football. These scholarships will have a value of up to 10% of the school fee.

    Art Scholarships
    Up to three Art Scholarships are offered for award each year to candidates of suitable quality. These scholarships will have a value of up to 10% of the school fee and may be supplemented through a bursary, by any amount up to the full school fee, if assessment of the parents' means indicates a need. An Art Award may be held in addition to an Academic, Music, Cowdrey, Drama or Design, Technology and Engineering Award. Candidates will be asked to come to Tonbridge for interview and practical assessment in late January or early February.

    Drama Scholarships
    Up to three Drama Scholarships are offered for award each year to candidates of suitable quality. These scholarships will have a value of up to 10% of the school fee.

    Design, Technology & Engineering Scholarships
    Up to three Design, Technology & Engineering Scholarships are offered for award each year to candidates of suitable quality. These scholarships will have a value of up to 10% of the school fee and may be supplemented through a bursary, by any amount up to the full school fee, if assessment of the parents' means indicates a need. Any Design, Technology and Engineering Award may be held in addition to an Academic, Music, Art, Drama or Cowdrey Award.

  • 學校簡介:

    Tonbridge School建於1553年,是一所英國傳統男校,位於英國東南部的Kent,離倫敦大約1小時多的車程。 現時校園面積已達150英畝,提供寬敞舒適的環境給學生。此校能成為英國傳統知名學校的其中一個原因就是因為他們完善的教學設施,學校提供十一個科學實驗室,收藏23,000書冊的圖書館和完善的運動場所等等,令老師能夠培訓學生成為全能卓越的學生。

    • 最細接受8歲學生
    • 課程涉及 Leadership Skills with English Language

    課程名稱 年齡 開課日期 結束日期 學費 (英鎊)
    English Plus Sport & Activity 8 - 17 2024年7月10日




    £3,600 (兩個星期)

    £7,200 (四個星期)

    English Plus Performing Arts 8 - 17 2024年7月10日




    £3,600 (兩個星期)

    £7,200 (四個星期)

    Global Young Leaders 14 - 17 2024年7月10日




    £3,800 (兩個星期)

    £7,600 (四個星期)

    Foundation Global Young Leaders 12 - 17 2024年7月10日




    £3,800 (兩個星期)

    £7,600 (四個星期)

    Future Young Leaders & Intensive English 12 - 17 2024年7月10日




    £3,800 (兩個星期)

    £7,600 (四個星期)

