Westminster School
Boarding School Category: 男女校 and 英國 United Kingdom
Westminster School位於倫敦中心地段,附近交通非常方便;只需10分鐘的步行時間已經可以到達Westminster和St James’s park地下鐵,附近還有香港人十分熟識的大笨鐘和泰晤士河。
家長必須留意Westminster School的收生制度,在13+(中三),它們只收男生而如果家長想女兒就讀此校,那家長必須等待16+的入學時期。此外Westminster School是全球數一數二的寄宿學校所以每一年的學位都十分激烈,學生可能要進行多項測試和面試才可成功入讀。
Westminster School的學術成績是十分強勁,在廸㫒的英國獨立寄宿學校A LEVEL和GCSE排行榜上一直排前五(2019 年83.5% A*-A),並且它們的GCSE(英國會考)都能夠得到傑出的成績(2019年 98.61% A*-A)。從此可見它們對學生的學術要求是十分嚴格。
傑出的學術成績和完善的課外活動都是Westminster School的獨特之處。學校提供各類的體育運動設施給學生例如:籃球,羽毛球,足球,曲棍球,排球,無擋板籃球和攀石等等;和同時它們亦設有比較受女學生歡迎的活動例如;瑜珈房,舞蹈室,健美操空間和滑雪道等等。
School’s boarding ethos
For the benefit of both boarders and day pupils alike, with its longer day and week, allows time both for education in depth and for a level of pastoral care and attention second to none. The nurturing of each individual’s talents to the highest degree means that there is no such thing as a typical Westminster pupil. One thing they are not is apathetic! In addition to their academic development, some are sports-mad while others prefer to spend their time in earnest debate about all matters under the sun. What they have in common is that they emerge from Westminster articulate, confident, with a strong sense of social responsibility, ready for university and the wider world.Unique Setting
The School has occupied for centuries between the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey, with the use of the Abbey as the School Chapel, embraces all in a very special atmosphere. Politics has been an abiding interest throughout Westminster’s long history; and the importance of spiritual and moral reflection is deeply embedded within its educational tradition. The proximity of London’s museums, galleries, concert halls and theatres, and our links with the universities and business, mean that a Westminster education spreads well beyond the School’s boundaries.Unique Point / Rise Smart Comment
學校重點 / 廸昇評價-在英國是一間舉足輕重的私立寄宿學校,1560年獲伊麗莎白皇家女王一世加冕
始創年份: 1371學生人數: 769寄宿學生人數: 183HMC 學校: Yes公開考試成績 2023
2023 GCSE (% 7-9) : 98.282023 A-Level (% A*-A) : 86.12024-25 學費及寄宿費 - 每學期
學期: 3貨幣: GBPYear 5: 0Year 6: 0Year 7 : 0Year 8 : 0Year 9 : 17496Year 10 : 17496Year 11 : 17496Year 12 : 17496Year 13 : 17496申請資料
申請文件: 過去2年校內成績表、推薦信、比賽或活動証明及護照申請費: 300入學試: Yes面試: Yes查詢熱線: 852 - 2980 2306 -
Duke of Edinburgh: YesBadminton: YesBasketball: YesCricket: YesDrama: YesFootball: YesGYM: YesHockey: YesNetball: YesSailing: YesSwimming: YesTable Tennis: YesTennis: Yes
申請文件: 過去2年校內成績表、推薦信、比賽或活動証明及護照申請費: 300入學試: Yes面試: Yes查詢熱線: 852 - 2980 2306
Year 9 提供的獎學金種類:
- Academic 學術
- Music 音樂
Year 12 提供的獎學金種類:- Academic 學術
- Music 音樂
申請要求:Queen’s Scholarships (academic scholarships)
There are a total of 48 Queen’s Scholars, with 12 chosen every year: eight boys at age 13 and four girls at age 16. The Scholars are chosen based on their performance in the entrance exams and interviews and the scholarship lasts for the duration of their time at the school. The fee for a Queen’s Scholar is set at half way between 50% of the boarding fee and the day fee. If required, an additional bursary will be awarded on a means-tested basis. Queen’s Scholars are required to board at the school and all belong to College house.Music Scholarships
Those pupils who gain our musical scholarships are known as the Music Scholars. Up to eight 13+ and four 16+ music scholarships may be awarded annually. Candidates must audition for the scholarships, offering at least two instruments and demonstrating a high level of general musicianship and great potential for development. In addition to this, as with all other entrants, pupils hoping to gain a music scholarship must also win a place at the school on academic merit, performing well in the entrance exams and interviews.