Stowe School
Boarding School Category: 男女校 and 英國 United Kingdom
Stowe School成立於1923年,座落在 Buckingham一座宏偉的公爵府邸內,環繞著面積750英畝的園林綠地,風景秀麗,環境優美。因此,於2009年獲 The Weeks 雜誌選為the ‘Most beautiful school’。主大樓Stowe House是於1770年設計及建造,氣勢宏偉,風格獨特,現在已被列為一級保護建築物。
學校為學生提供了完美的學習和生活環境,使學生在廣闊的環境中快樂成長。Stowe School的學生永遠享受頂級的英國教育資源,學校的教育建基於傳統但也保持創新,旨在激發學生們的進取心和向未來展望的決心, 創立維珍集團的Richard Branson就是在Stowe School長大,相信亦受惠於學校創新及開放的教學態度。
學校除了是英國校長會HMC其中一員,更是其中一個更尊貴的組別Rugby Group 18 間學校其中一員,這表示著Stowe School在英國學校中受重視的地位,亦代表著學校收取學生的嚴謹性。
Stowe School is a wonderful school in the most sublime setting which celebrates youth rather than stifling it. Stowe embodies the English Enlightenment and its ethos continues to be shaped by the people who teach and learn here. We offer an inspiring environment for the education of boys and girls aged 13 to 18 in the firm belief that every one of them has the potential for excellence waiting to be unearthed and burnished – the jewel within.
Through teaching of the highest calibre, Stoics are encouraged to think for themselves, challenge conventional orthodoxies and pursue their own enthusiasms. They rejoice in the differences that exist between them – intellectually, in sporting prowess and in artistic and creative achievements.The aesthete and the athlete learn to respect each other.
This passion for bringing out the unique talents in each pupil lies at the heart of our educational philosophy. Stoics acquire skills that enable them to live happily, work successfully and thrive in their future lives.
Unique Point / Rise Smart Comment
學校重點 / 廸昇評價- 學校在各種俱樂部和體育中有著良好的成績,特別是在音樂、戲劇和藝術領域
- 各種俱樂部和協會滿足學生課餘的興趣及愛好
- 學校積極為學生提供個人協助和指導
始創年份: 1923宗教: Church of England學生人數: 912國際學生人數: 29寄宿學生人數: 629HMC 學校: Yes公開考試成績 2023
2023 GCSE (% 7-9) : 502024-25 學費及寄宿費 - 每學期
學期: 3貨幣: GBPYear 5: 0Year 6: 0Year 7 : 0Year 8 : 0Year 9 : 15567Year 10 : 15567Year 11 : 15567Year 12 : 15567Year 13 : 15567申請資料
申請文件: 過去2年校內成績表、推薦信、比賽或活動証明及護照申請費: 295入學試: YesUKISET: Yes面試: Yes查詢熱線: 852 - 2980 2306 -
Combined Cadet Force CCF: YesDuke of Edinburgh: YesBadminton: YesBasketball: YesCricket: YesDrama: YesFootball: YesGolf: YesGYM: YesHockey: YesNetball: YesRugby: YesSwimming: YesTable Tennis: YesTennis: Yes
申請文件: 過去2年校內成績表、推薦信、比賽或活動証明及護照申請費: 295入學試: YesUKISET: Yes面試: Yes查詢熱線: 852 - 2980 2306
Year 9 提供的獎學金種類:
- Academic 學術
- Music 音樂
- Art 藝術
- Sport 運動
Year 12 提供的獎學金種類:- Academic 學術
- Music 音樂
- Art 藝術
- Sport 運動