This year a student from ONCAMPUS Boston was accepted into New York University, ranked #5 for Best Business Programs in the US according to US News & World Report. Other students have been accepted into Indiana University Bloomington, ranked #8, and Boston University, ranked #39, and Brandeis University, ranked #93 for Best Business Programs.
Major employers who hire graduates from these schools include Citi Bank, JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Google, IBM, NBC Universal, Bank of America, Bloomberg and American Express.
How does ONCAMPUS help a student earn a Business Degree?
The ONCAMPUS University Transfer Programs are designed for students to take foundation courses while adjusting to life in the United States and then transfer to an ideal college or university upon completion.
Years 2 -4 can be completed at the ONCAMPUS partner school or students can transfer to a school of their dreams that specializes in their chosen major.
What are these General Education Courses?
 U.S. Bachelor degrees require a combination of general education (i.e. math, language, history, and science) along with specific courses in the chosen major (i.e. management, marketing, and finance). By taking these courses in Year 1, students are getting started on their foundation courses while adjusting to life and study in the United States. These general education courses are very likely to transfer with credits to most institutions in the United States. When the student progresses on to Year 2 they will begin taking more specialized courses required for their major.