
精選英國寄宿學校入學預備課程 (UKiset, CAT4, Common Entrance Exam及頂尖寄宿學校預備課程)



廸昇優越教育為有意入讀英國寄宿學校的學生設計一系列課程,協助學生順利入讀心儀學校。精選課程包括:UKiset 預備課程、英國Common Entrance Exam 11+, 13+ 預備課程及英國頂尖寄宿學校優越預備課程,歡迎學生報名參加。

Rise Smart Premier Education designed a series of courses for students who wish to enroll in a British boarding school. Our courses include: UKiset Preparatory Course, UK Common Entrance Exam 11+, 13+ Preparatory Course and UK’s top boarding school premier preparatory course. Students are welcome to sign up and boost up their grades. 


1. UKiset 英國寄宿中學入學試預備課程
UKiset Preparatory Course

  • UKiset 模擬測試評估
    UKiset Mock Assessment
  • 課程主要針對UKiset 推理及邏輯部份
    Focus on UKiset Non-Verbal & Verbal Reasoning
  • 模擬試題操練
    Mock Exam Practice

按此了解更多UKiset 考試模式


Ukiset Test Fee

廸昇海外升學中心已成為UKiset 指定考試中心,每次考試費港幣3500,歡迎預約。


2. CAT4 英國寄宿中學入學試預備課程
CAT4 Preparatory Course

  • CAT4 模擬測試評估
    CAT4 Mock Assessment
  • 課程主要針對4大部分: Verbal Reasoning (VR), Non Verbal Reasoning (NVR), Quantitative Reasoning (QR), Spatial Awareness (SA)
  • 模擬試題操練
    Mock Exam Practice

按此了解更多CAT4 考試模式



CAT4 Online Practicing Questions 試題練習

Rise Smart x Test Prep 獨家10%優惠

CAT4 獨家連結:

CAT 4 Level A - https://www.testprep-online.com/cat4-level-a/#risesmart
CAT 4 Level B - https://www.testprep-online.com/cat4-level-b/#risesmart
CAT 4 Level C - https://www.testprep-online.com/cat4-level-c/#risesmart
CAT 4 Level D - https://www.testprep-online.com/cat4-level-d/#risesmart
CAT 4 Level E - https://www.testprep-online.com/cat4-level-e/#risesmart
CAT 4 Level F - https://www.testprep-online.com/cat4-level-f/#risesmart
CAT 4 Level G - https://www.testprep-online.com/cat4-level-g/#risesmart

*All packages are in USD 所有計劃以美金結算

Rise Smart x Test Prep 獨家10%優惠,請於結算前,輸入優惠碼 risesmart


3. 英國頂尖寄宿預備課程
UK’s Top Boarding School Premier Preparatory Course


The UK’s top boarding school premier preparatory course is designed for students who wish to enter UK top schools. In addition to our professional consulting services, there will also be one-on-one academic support tutoring services from UK graduate mentors. Our mentors not only provide academic support, but they also serve as life coaching roles and students treat them as role models.

國頂尖寄宿預備課程特式 Course Information:







指導Personal Statement 寫作技巧及面試技巧



One-on-one tutoring and guidance from UK graduates: Focus on personal statement writing skills and interview skills; Enhance subject test ability; UKiset and school entrance test preparation; Logic and reasoning test practice; Mock exam practice and interview practice; Boarding school experience sharing





協助學生建立個人portfolio 用作報讀學校




全程跟進及處理學生事務 (住宿、簽證、監護人、機票安排及接送等等)

Elite UK Education Consultants Services: Comprehensive analysis of school history, academic achievements, school facilities, registration dates, and admission requirements to let students have a better understand of the school they applied; Set a timeline for parents and students to understand the progress of enrollment; Assist students in establishing personal portfolio for admission to school; Arrange school entrance test and interview; School admission follow-up and processing of student affairs (accommodation, visas, guardians, ticket arrangements, transfers, etc.)


4. 英國Common Entrance Exam 11+, 13+ 預備課程
UK Common Entrance Exam 11+, 13+ Preparatory Course

  • 適合正在英國就讀寄宿學校而又需要考Common Entrance Exam 的學生
    Design for students who are currently studying in UK boarding school and required to take the Common Entrance Exam
  • 集中重溫課程大綱及溫習技巧
    Focus on revision and study skills
  • 操練歷屆試題及針對考試技巧
    Past paper drilling and identify any deficiencies in the exam technique
  • 學科補習包括
    Subject Included: English, Mathematics, Sciences (Biology, Chemistry and Physics for 13+)


導師團隊 Experts Team:


All tutors are graduated in top institutions around the world with extensive tutoring experience in Hong Kong and aboard.


Miss. Jennifer
BA in English, University of Portsmouth
She is an experienced English teacher currently working at Poole grammar school. She studied English (BA) at the University of Portsmouth. She has taught as a full time teacher in a range of schools for a number of years. Her subjects include English Language (KS3 & KS4), English Literature (KS3, KS4 & KS5), Drama (KS3 & KS4), Media Studies (mainly theory KS4) and she has also taught Year 9 Sociology. She is adept at teaching via Zoom and gives energetic lessons.

Mr. Thompson
Jeff is a former head of maths and experienced teacher and examiner. He has a Masters degree and PGCE from Sheffield University. He has been tutoring Maths and Physics privately for 8 years to great success. He is adept at online teaching and getting the best out of his pupils using a variety of resources.

Mr. Bowman
Politics and International Relations, University of Bristol
Radley College
Ben specialise in 11+, 13+, and A-Level History and Politics. Ben has been instrumental in getting students into the most prestigious schools in England, including Eton, Harrow, Radley, Winchester, St Pauls and Bradfield.
Ben had also helped several students increase their ability to understand verbal and non verbal reasoning problems and in doing so ensured their successful completion of the CAT4 test and in foreign students cases the UKiset Test.

Miss. Harriet
Harriet is a UK native speaker. She is an ambitious and creative teacher with experience in a variety of educational settings and is currently teaching A Level English at a leading independent school in the South West. She studied at Canterbury University in Christchurch, New Zealand. For recent performance management she was rated outstanding. Harriet has been involved with helping students with entrance exams for a number of years and has also marked them for her school. Harriet has a track record of excellent results.


流程 Flow :

免費評估測試(英、數 共3小時)-->

結果分析及詳細報告 -->

針對學生之強弱科目來制定課程及預計學習時數 -->

安排導師提供補習及指導  -->

預備名校申請 -->

安排入學試及面試 -->



成功故事Our Success Stories

Since 2006, we have successfully helped our students to get in the following schools:

- Abingdon School
- Badminton School
- Bedford School
- Brighton College
- Bromsgrove School
- Cardiff Sixth form College
- Caterham School
- Concord College
- Cheltenham Ladies' College
- Cheltenham College
- Christ’s Hospital School
- Dauntsey’s School
- Dulwich College
- Haileybury
- Mayfield School
- Queen Ethelburga’s College
- Oundle School
- Sevenoaks School
- St Swithun’s School
- The King’s School, Canterbury
- The Leys School
- Uppingham School
- Wellington College
- Woldingham School
and more…….


查詢課程 Course Enquiry: 

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UK's Boarding School Premier Preparatory Course Enquiry Form
