Prior’s Field School

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Boarding School Category: 女校 and 英國 United KingdomBoarding School Tags: Art and Drama

  • Prior’s Field School是一所位於英格蘭南部Surrey的私立女子中學, 提供中一至中七課程,致力幫助學生爭取佳績。在倫敦希斯路機場只需要40分鐘,學校的規模不大,全校只有400多人,所以師生關係親密。學校致力幫助學生爭取佳績,曾獲評為「英國最高增值學校」,表揚其教學能令學生於各方面都有顯著進步。學術成績一向優良,歷年來不少學生入讀英國前十位大學。課外活動種類繁多,當以騎馬最受學生歡迎。另外,Prior’s Field School Radio Club 的午間及課餘廣播在社區裡知名度甚高。

    Prior’s Field pupils have a wide range of abilities, talents and interests. The aim of the school is to provide an excellent all-round secondary education that brings out the best in each girl according to her abilities and talents.

    They will do this by: Inspiring girls with an ambitious and tailored, all-round education which encourages them to think for themselves and enables them to realise their potential;

    -Encouraging and celebrating individuality
    -Developing well-balanced, enterprising young women of integrity who leave school prepared for the next stage in life and ready to make their mark on the world
    -Providing a range of opportunities for girls to discover and develop new interests, passions and talents
    -Maintaining a culture of praise and encouragement where girls feel at home and confident enough to know and be themselves
    -Responding ambitiously to the challenge of change by developing staff, improving facilities and fostering links with the wider community
    -Optimising the school’s resources, recognising our responsibilities for administering our charitable funds efficiently and for the benefit of the school and wider community.

    Unique Point / Rise Smart Comment
    學校重點 / 廸昇評價

      • 課堂採用小班教學,每班最多八位學生
      • 為國際學生提供英語補習班,每星期有三至七堂,此外還有一對一課堂,協助他們盡快趕上進度
      • 提供倫敦音樂及戲劇學院的演藝課程(LAMDA)及考試。考得LAMDA證書有助學生於畢業後升讀演藝學校,適合愛好公開表演又有志投身演藝事業的學生,教學設施完善,科學中心、圖書館、多媒體數碼語言中心、體育館、室外恆溫游泳池一應俱全
  • 學校背景

    始創年份: 1902
    學生人數: 447
    國際學生人數: 20
    寄宿學生人數: 90

    公開考試成績 2022

    2022 GCSE (% 7-9) : 57
    2022 A-Level (% A*-A) : 50

    2022-23 學費及寄宿費 - 每學期

    學期: 3
    貨幣: GBP
    Year 5: 0
    Year 6: 0
    Year 7 : 10740
    Year 8 : 10740
    Year 9 : 11050
    Year 10 : 11050
    Year 11 : 11050
    Year 12 : 11050
    Year 13 : 11050


    申請文件: 過去2年校內成績表、推薦信、比賽或活動証明及護照
    申請費: £150
    入學試: Yes
    面試: Yes
    查詢熱線: 852 - 2980 2306
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  • Duke of Edinburgh: Yes
    Badminton: Yes
    Drama: Yes
    GYM: Yes
    Hockey: Yes
    Netball: Yes
    Swimming: Yes
    Tennis: Yes
  • 申請文件: 過去2年校內成績表、推薦信、比賽或活動証明及護照
    申請費: £150
    入學試: Yes
    面試: Yes
    查詢熱線: 852 - 2980 2306